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Innocent Mom | maple970 | 10


I could not bare it any longer, so to hell with it I had being dreaming of this for years, I yelled out I was here if first, and pushed her against the wall. Just as she hit, I released into her, there was a sudden shiver in her, and we both stood there, still as if time had stopped. But without warning she, elbowed me pushing me back, and said very jokingly sorry mister ladies first remember I need the water more than you. I just stood there stunned as she continued on showering, as if it had never happened. With limped dick in hand, I could bearly move from my state of shock. Could she be that innocent as to think it was an accident which had occurred and was trying to protect me, by not reacting, or was she unable for some reason to understand what was going on? I could not let it end here; I had to have her no matter what, but how should I go about it, and should I continue to play along as if this was just two people taking an innocent shower.


How should I continue?

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