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Innocent Mom | maple970 | 8


I tried to tell her I had got there first, but she just replied with, ladies first and insisted I let her in or else. But, I really needed to release the hard-on I had going, so bad, I replied, that there was no way I was going to give up the shower. With that she stunned me with; if I don't want to leave then we will have to share the shower together. And with that she pushed her way in and threw off her clothes, and entered the shower, with her tight ass swaying back and forth in front of me. I could not believe that she did not realize, how we can’t be doing this, but in her minds this was the same as us have bathes together when I was two. It took a minute or two for me to finally get out of my stunned state, when my mom called out for me to either leave or get in. Not wanting to give up such a chance, I pulled down my boxer and stepped into the shower, making sure she did not see my ragging hard-on, by standing behind her so she could not see it while she stood before the shower head. With all this going on I could not believe what was happening; my rock hard cock is only inches away from her soft tight ass, but I could not touch it. I had to think of some excuse to touch it and it soon came to me. I told my mom I wanted some water too, so I lend forward, acting as if I want to get close to the shower head. But in doing so, my dick got planted between her ass checks, which felt like soft silk touch it. She did not act on this move by me, because she must have thought it was an accident and did not want to say anything as not to upset me over it. But now I was stuck with a dilemma as what to do next, now that my cock is caught between her ass.


Where should I go from here?

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