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My Sexy Aunt Pat | darkone99 | 5


couldn’t believe what she had just asked him to do. But he wasn’t about to argue with her, that’s for sure.

Leaning in closer, moving slowly, just in case she was playing another game with him, tentatively stretched out his tongue, letting it dance lightly across the skin of her left thigh. Jesse shivered at the touch of his wet tongue, and she let out a small moan, not really meaning to. grinned, and not hesitating any longer, he moved his tongue up further, moving directly between her pussy lips, getting his first real taste of his cousin’s juices.

Jesse groaned, and she pushed her butt back into ’s face, driving his nose close to her asshole. breathed in deep through his nose as he lapped away at her wetness, smelling the musky smell of her. He reached down to stroke himself with one hand as he licked at her, knowing he could blow his load in just a couple of strokes if given the chance.

Jesse let him lick at her a little longer, and was about to pull away when he shifted his attentions higher up her slit, his tongue flicking across her clit. Blood immediately rushed to the pleasure center there, and Jesse’s hips bucked wildly as he sucked the hardening button in between his lips, his tongue flicking across it rapidly.

“Oh shit…” she groaned, spreading her legs wider, using her hands to hold her butt wide open as well. “Damn…”

chuckled inwardly, knowing he had her now, whether she liked it or not.

But then, she surprised him, and she pulled away, letting her stomach rest on the bedsheets below as she crossed her legs at the ankles. “Oh, wow…nice tongue…” she said, almost sounding angry. She slid her hands along her twitching thighs slowly, letting out a long breath of air.

started to back away from Jess then, but she turned around, and she laid back down on the bed, spreading her legs wide so he could see. “Okay…tell you what. We’re both pretty hot right now, and I know you would love to come, right?” nodded. Not much else to say.


What does Jesse have in mind?

          Mutual Masturbation


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