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Truth or Dare | darkone99 | 13


Bev started to say something, but Megan held out her hand interrupting her. She stood up next to Sharie, looking down at you as her friend continued sliding her feet sensuously along the length of your member.

“I’ll do it.” Megan grinned. “Let’s see if I can help.”

You were shocked she was the one offering to inspire you to come, but who were you to complain? You just smiled back, and groaned a little as those magical toes slid across the most sensitive spot just below your cockhead.

“Let’s see…you know, I knew I’d seen you staring at me all the time. I thought it was just my imagination, but after what you said earlier…” she laughed a small laugh. “I know I’ve seen you looking at my tits. That time at the lake, when I wore that swimsuit…” Megan reached up to push her tits together through her shirt. “You liked that, didn’t you?”

You moaned. “Oh yeah…” you managed to say, as Sharie’s feet began to move faster. You could tell that this was affecting everyone in the room, not just you. You could almost smell the sex churning up within each of the girls surrounding you.

Megan slid her hands down to the bottom of her shirt, raising it so you could see her bellybutton. “You like this too, don’t you?” she said, and she raised her shirt just high enough that you could see the bottom of each firm breast. A tiny mole sat just left of her navel, her pale skin showing it off perfectly. You’d always liked her belly…the very few times you’d gotten to see it. “In fact…I bet that day…was one you jerked off thinking about these tits, wasn’t it?”

You didn’t speak at first, but then, she demanded, “Well? Did you? I bet you did, you perv…” She raised the shirt slightly higher, then…just below where you knew her nipples had to be hiding. You heard a moan from one of the other girls, but you weren’t able to look…your eyes were locked on your stepsister.

Finally, you went for broke. “No…I didn’t.”

“What?!?” Megan looked stunned, and seemed surprised you would ruin her fun.

“I didn’t,” you repeated. “I jerked off…thinking…about your beautiful ass.”

That got a huge smile out of her then. She held her shirt up a second longer, than quickly flashed you before dropping it down again. You had caught just a quick glance of two pert, pink little nipples, but you didn’t get a good enough view to remember them for long.

“I knew it! You love this ass, don’t you?” She grinned. “Maybe…I should just get out of these shorts, then.” With that, she didn’t waste any time sliding her shorts down to the floor, leaving her in just a skimpy pair of cotton panties and that long t-shirt.

The entire time, Sharie had been doing her best to keep jerking away at you with those pretty feet of hers, and for a moment you thought it was over. But then, you concentrated on not shooting, not just yet…and you felt your second wind coming on.

“Yeah, Meg…I love that ass. I always think of it when I jerk off.” You grunted as you fought coming too soon.

Megan turned around, and lifted her shirt just high enough that you could see the bottom of her panties on the back of each thigh. She looked over her shoulder at you, grinning, as she tied her shirt in a knot in front to keep it from sliding back down. “You like this ass, eh? How much do you like it? Enough to beg for it?”

You groaned, thinking there wasn’t much you wouldn’t do to see it naked about now. “Ooo….I love it, Meg…”

She leaned over then, using one hand to brace herself on the bed across from you, while using the other to slide her shirt higher up on her back. You could see her entire ass now, framed by the panties she wore. “How about now? Still look as good as you remember?”

“Mmmm….better.” You weren’t lying. You’d never gotten this good a look at it that’s for certain.

Sharie’s feet slowed for a moment; she was obviously getting tired.

“Would you….like to see more?” Megan said silkily. She put a hand up at the waistband, tugging down on it in the center just slightly. You found your eyes wandering downward a moment, and you could swear there was a patch of dampness in between her thighs. “How much more?” She looked back at you, grinning evilly.

“More, much more…” you moaned. “Please…I’m so close…”

Sharie was getting frustrated trying to keep up enough friction to finish the job now, but you didn’t mind…even if you didn’t finish at all, this would be well worth it. But then, Megan surprised you yet again, and began to pull the center of the back of her panties down…very, very slowly.

“How close? Should I stop?” Megan teased. At this point, you could just barely see the top of the crack of her ass, along with a cute little heart-shaped tattoo right above it. You didn’t know she had one of those…

“No…please…don’t stop…” you groaned again, so wanting her to keep going.

Megan glanced down to see Sharie was having trouble, and she slid her panties down further still, revealing a good portion of her crevice. She pushed her butt closer to you, and arched her back, letting her hair fall down to touch the very top of her gorgeous ass. “You want more?” she asked. “Then…finish yourself off. You don’t need Sharie’s help anymore. Stand up and jerk it for me.”

You glanced Sharie’s way a quick moment, but didn’t hesitate, standing up right behind your stepsister. She leaned over, now using both hands to pull her panties lower…and lower…until they were at the very bottom of her cheeks. “Come on…I want to see you do it…” she purred, her breathing quick.

Nodding, you took your cock in your hands and began stroking, your left hand massaging your balls as the other did the dirty work. You could feel yourself getting closer and closer, but still something held you back.

Megan licked her lips, and she reached down between her legs from the front, sliding a hand inside her bunched up panties. “MMmm…I want you to come on my ass…”

That was it. You were finished for sure, now.

Groaning as the pleasure of coming struck you hard, the first shot landed on her t-shirt, somewhere mid-back. The next two were lower, but still missed her skin. The fourth landed squarely on the crack of her butt, though…and she moaned, and you could see her hand working furiously between her legs. “Oh god…yes…” she said, and she moved her butt closer. You were still shooting more and more sperm, more than you ever remember doing before, covering her pale skin with plenty of the sticky white stuff.

In her quest to get herself off, Megan’s hand managed to push her panties even lower, and you caught just a glimpse of her lower lips resting between her wonderful thighs. You groaned again, and she wriggled around beneath you, even going so far as to touch her butt crack up against you as you finished. She sighed, and you felt your cock throbbing , still resting against her, and you fought the urge to grab her shapely hips and do something more serious.

“Oh…damn…” Bev said, and you looked over to see she had been playing with herself again, lying on the floor a short distance away. “You guys are so fucking HOT!” She actually slid aside her panties and buried two fingers inside, sending waves of orgasm rocking through her body. Her tits shook as she moaned, her shirt wide open, her legs spread wide as well.

You looked down to see your cock still throbbing out a last few drops, and your come slipped slowly down the crack of Meg’s ass as she cooed, her fingers still working on her now come covered pussy. “Oh…oh god…” she groaned…”please…finish me off…”


How to finish off poor Meg?

          eat megan out

          give meg the rod


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