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Truth or Dare | darkone99 | 14


“Well, how about this?” Megan leaned back in her chair so her chest was the main focus on her webcam. She slid her hands down the front of the robe, making it part slightly, pushing the fabric apart little by little, until a nice expanse of skin could be seen between her breasts.

“No bra, see?” she said, and to empathize that, she stood, moving the robe enough where you could see all the way to her bellybutton. Her breasts hung nicely to either side, just behind that terrycloth fabric, and you felt blood already rushing to your crotch.

“Told ya,” she said, laughing, as she sat back down. She tightened up her robe so nothing “accidentally” escaped.

You grinned tightly, wanting badly to see more but not willing to say that. Not yet, anyway. “Yeah…but you said that you didn’t have ANY underwear on. Not just your bra.”

“Well…aren’t we evil?” Meg giggled. “Well…let’s see…if I can prove that too…”

Megan seemed to think for a bit, before standing up and placing one of her shapely young legs on the chair. She arched her foot, and slowly, she slid the robe higher and higher up her thigh. “Good thing I shaved today…” she muttered, as the robe went further up her leg.

You were dying. She had some of the best legs you’d ever seen, and with her posed like that, her calf looked sexy as hell. And as her robe went so high you could see the side of her right buttock, you could barely stand it any longer. Hoping she wasn’t watching you too closely, you sneakily unzipped your pants, and tried your best to slip them down your legs without standing up.

The amount of skin she showed was just enough to tantalize. You could almost imagine seeing her pretty little lower lips, but just not quite…if only she’s move her leg a little further to the right…

“There!” she said, bouncing back into her seat. For a moment, the top of her robe opened up enough that you got a very good look at her cleavage…and almost caught a slip of a nipple. “Told you so. Happy now?”

Not completely, you thought. “Yeah…Okay, I believe you…” you said, as you lightly touched your manhood with your right hand. Sighing, you found yourself wondering if you could somehow trick her into getting naked for you…right this minute. Yeah, right.


How far will Megan go on cam?

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