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Truth or Dare | darkone99 | 13


A couple of weeks later, you got a call from Megan. Apparently, her roommate was going to be gone all weekend, and she was afraid she’d be bored to death all night long, so she suggested you might give her a call online, via webcam. No long distance charges that way, and you two could just chat for a while.

Not having much better to do on a Friday night anyway, you said sure, you’d catch up with her.

That night, you got online and searched out her screen-name on your chat program. You fired up your webcam, and waited for her reply.

After just a few seconds, there she was…looking pretty as ever and giving you a big smile. Surprisingly, she was dressed in her bathrobe, with her hair up in a cute little ponytail.

“Hey, sis…” you said into your microphone.

“Hey. Just finished painting my toenails, wanna see?” Megan leaned her chair back so she could hold her foot directly in front of the camera. “Like the color?”

You nodded, then decided she might not catch that so you said, “Yeah, pretty cute. Good to see you’re keeping busy.”

The two of you made small talk for a half hour or so. She asked about your dating situation, and you pestered her about hers too. Seemed neither one of you had been very lucky in love of late.

Then, that’s when the conversation got more interesting.

“Sooo…” Meg began. “What did you think about what I said the other night? About what I do when we’re on the phone together?”

You hadn’t expected this turn at all, but you were more than happy to go with it. “Really? Honestly?”


“Well…I think it’s great. I’m glad you get off on something that I can do for you…even if I didn’t get to enjoy myself in the bargain,” you said, half joking. You finished with a laugh.

She laughed along with you, then said, “Well, being on cam, it’s not like we can ask each other what we’re wearing, right?” She giggled. “Not that I’m wearing much anyway…”

You couldn’t pass that up. “Just sitting around in your underwear and a robe, eh?” you said, grinning.

“Nope. Nothing underneath this thing…” she said, giving you a grin right back. “More comfortable that way, and since Les isn’t here, I can get away with it.”

“No way!” you returned, chuckling. “You’re not naked under there. I don’t believe you…you’re just trying to get a rise out of me…literally.”

“Oh? A rise, eh?” She wriggled her eyebrows suggestively. “Well, if it gets your attention that much, I guess I better prove it then, right?”

You shrugged, and took a moment to make sure your cam was aiming high enough that she couldn’t see below your chest level. If things got interesting enough, you might just have to lose those pants here shortly…

“Well…how should I prove it?” she asked, mainly for her own benefit.


What does Megan do next?

          Megan teases a little.


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