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Truth or Dare | darkone99 | 12


“I don’t know…” Sharie said quietly, eyeing you. “That’s pretty crazy. I barely know the guy!”

Megan laughed. “Trust me, you don’t have anything to worry about with him.”

Sharie shook her head, and for a moment you were almost relieved. Or were you? Maybe not.

“How about I do something else? Something…close to that, but not quite that.” She shrugged.

“Like what?” Bev quipped. “You’re wimping out! I say she’s losing a veto!” Giggles met that proclamation.

“No…I’m not wimping out…” Sharie said, still looking at you closely. “What I propose is this; how about instead of a blowjob…I just jerk him off, instead?”

Cool. Not quite as much fun, but what the hell.

“I don’t know, Sharie…what do you girls think? Is that close enough?” Megan chanced a glance your direction. “How about you? That good enough?”

Bev, who had opened her mouth to say something, stopped, waiting to hear what you had to say. “Well…hey, it’s not my dare. It’s between you ladies, right?”

They all grinned at that, even Sharie. “Okay, buddy…tell you what.” Sharie moved to sit directly in front of you, in between your legs, facing up toward your crotch. “How about…a footjob? Ever had one of those before?”

“Err…no, sure haven’t. Sounds kinda strange to me…”

“Don’t knock it ‘til ya try it, buddy boy!” Sharie said with a smile. “Megan? Will that fulfill my dare? Or do I have to use my veto?”

Megan seemed to mull it over a moment, then nodded her head. “Okay, that’ll do. But you have to finish him off. If he doesn’t finish, you’ll have to find another way to do it.”

Damn. Megan was a wild girl, after all. You were feeling a bit nervous now, realizing what exactly was about to happen…but you were so horny, you figured you’d better enjoy this. Besides, could be months before you had a chance to get laid again, right?

Sharie breathed in deeply, steeling herself, then leaned back on her elbows, sliding her feet up into your crotch. Now that you were paying attention to it, you saw she had a tiny silver ring on her left pinky toe. And damned if she didn’t have some of the prettiest feet you’d ever seen. Even the nails were pretty, painted a lovely shade of pink.

Smiling widely, her teeth glinting from between parted lips, she slid one foot up each of your legs, running the ends of her toes lightly across your skin. You could feel the hair on your legs rising to the occasion, much like another part of your anatomy that was about to meet those toes first hand. Sharie’s left foot stopped short of your underwear, and she bit her bottom lip seductively, before sliding her other foot inside your jockey’s leg underneath the fabric. As her foot drew closer to your crotch, you felt a throb down below, and you found yourself getting more turned on by the moment. You’d never really thought about a “footjob” before, but it sure was seeming really interesting now.

Finally, after what seemed a week or two, her big toe slid high enough to just barely touch your scrotum, and you jerked unconsciously at the contact. She pulled away slightly, an eyebrow raised in question, but you just chuckled nervously. “I’m okay. Just surprised me, I guess.”

Sharie nodded in understanding, then slid her foot deeper, her toes dancing just underneath your ball sack, rubbing up against it gently, back and forth. “Tickles,” she said, giggling. “All that hair.”

Looking down at her, you had a great view of her legs and ass, as she managed to quite easily raise her legs high enough to get her feet where she wanted them. You could see a tight line of muscle flexing on the back of her thigh as she moved her left foot now, sliding it up to your bellybutton. She wrapped her toes in the waistband of your shorts, and slowly but surely, her other foot still sliding around your balls, began to slide the front of your underwear down your stomach.

After a moment, the “happy trail” of hair that hid just about your cock was revealed; some of the hair was stuck together by a dab of precum you had left from your previous stroking on the earlier dare. Sharie was having a rough time getting the band far enough away from your skin to allow your dick to spring free, however, and she removed her right foot from your leg to try and help.

Finally, she just let the waistband go with a snap, and she ran her sexy toes along the length of your manhood, sending waves of pleasure through your body. “Little help, here, maybe?” she asked, batting her eyelashes playfully.

Nodding, and way past backing out of this now, you reached down and slid your shorts down your thighs and let them drop to the floor, leaving you naked before the gaze of everyone in the room.

Megan gasped, and even Bev seemed a bit stunned. Sharie had moved her feet away by raising them higher in the air, letting you get a really good look at her crotch, and even covered in the tight shorts she wore, you got a good look at the spaces just around the fabric. You wondered what the rest looked like, but you would take whatever you could get.

Silence filled the room a moment longer, the girls just locked on the view of your throbbing member, a tiny thread of wetness stretched from the head to a spot just above your right thigh. Then, Megan spoke. “Well…don’t leave the poor boy hanging, Shar.”

Swallowing nervously, Sharie took her feet and set them on the inside of either of your thighs…then spread her legs wide, making you do the same. “Give me room to work,” she whispered, then her heels slid gently up your legs and toward your ever-hardening cock.

Watching her feet, you waited what seemed forever for them to finally touch you where you most wanted to be touched, and you sighed gently as she wrapped her feet around the end of your dick. It rested perfectly in the arches of each foot, her toes pointed toward your belly. She smiled at you, then began to slide her feet up and down, each movement driving you a bit closer to orgasm.

Sharie’s face took on a serious look of concentration as she began to stroke away at you, and you found your eyes locking on the muscles playing at the back of her legs. Her stomach muscles were tensed as well, and you could tell it was pretty tough for her to keep a steady pace, but she was pulling it off pretty darned well.

But even so, as hot as you were, and as good as it felt having her wonderful feet jerking you off, you could tell you just weren’t going to finish. Not without some sort of inspiration. Time to get someone else in the game…

“I…could use…” you groaned, as Sharie used her toes to knead the base of your cock a moment, trying to give her legs a rest. “A…little inspiration. Something…to…get me over the edge. Any volunteers?”


Who volunteers? And what do they do to finish him off?



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