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Truth or Dare | darkone99 | 10


Still breathing a bit heavily, you decide it’s time to get your sis into the game. She looked like she was ready to go.

“Hmmm…” you say, your hand absently moving down to rub at your crotch. “I think it’s your turn, Megan.”

She threw you an evil look, but then didn’t hesitate before saying, “Truth.”

Damn. Well, if she was going to be that way about it, time to turn the tables a bit.

“Okay…how about this? Have you…ever masturbated thinking about me?”

Bev broke out into a huge laugh at that. “Ooo…revenge is sweet, eh?”

You grinned. Megan just sat there, turning a brighter shade of red by the moment. But then, her roommate spoke up, her voice a bit weak from her recent activities. “Err…hey, after what I just did, in front of all you guys…that’s a fair question, I think.” She sat up with a happy sigh, and straightened her glasses.

“You guys are a bunch of pervs!” Megan said with a weak laugh, knowing she was cornered. “Okay, okay…I’ll answer…”

Looking you straight in the eyes, she said, “Yes. In fact, I just did last night, while we were on the phone.”

Holy shit! Holy, HOLY shit!!!

“You did?” You couldn’t believe your ears. Megan just sat there with a shit-eating grin on her face, and nodded. Her blushing covered pretty much all of her skin now, even her legs.

You shook your head. Wow. You wondered why she got so quiet late in the conversation. Whoo!

“Wasn’t easy to do without you knowing, that’s for sure.” Megan giggled. Her embarrassment was turning quickly into something else, it seemed. “There’s something about your voice that…that…just makes me squirm!” She shivered, and put both hands in her lap.

“That’s too hot, Meg…” you managed to say. “If I had known, I’d been having phone sex right along with you!” You both laughed together, as the rest of the girls giggled amongst themselves as well.

Not sure what to do now, you just turned the ball over to Megan. “Your pick now, Meg.” You patted her leg gently, then left your hand lying on her knee. This could be a VERY interesting night, you found yourself thinking.


Who does Megan pick next?

          Megan decides it's time to quit.

          Megan picks Sharie.



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