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Internet Love Affair | katieBgood | 2


Over the next month Hannah became comfortable entering various adult chat rooms, her favorite being "Married but Looking". She reveled in her ability of being able to control the experiences of her cyber partners with simply a few well placed and well times taps on the keyboard.

One partner in particular caught her attention. He seemed kind and only interesting in chatting with someone of the opposite sex for an evening. Not once did he mention cyber sex, ask what she was wearing or how old she was... he seemed to only want to get to know her better.

Random chat room meetings and occasional emails between the two progressed to the point that they were chatting all day every single day. Hannah let her affinity for the adult chat room fall by the way side as she centered her attentions and affections on Burton, her new online friend.

“Hey, let’s try something different.” Burton said one afternoon.

“Sure,” says Hannah “What do you have in mind?”

“Let’s go into this private chat room and turn your web cam on.” He says casually. “I want to see you in more than just a still photograph.”

Hannah agreed. Burton went to the website and created a private chat room and invited her in. Turning on her little camera that sat atop of the monitor, Hannah never gave a second thought to allowing Burton to see her.

Later, the conversations turned sexual and they began having cyber sex on a regular basis. He told her all about jerking off during their conversation. He would record the sounds of his orgasms and send them to her while he talked her through her own.

“Just read, don’t type.” He would tell her then he would give her explicit instructions on what he wanted her to do to herself.

“Rub your clit with your thumb, baby.” He said. “Now let your finger slip inside that wet pussy. Imagine that it is my hand that is making you feel so good… just the way you like it.”

One day while chatting in the private chat room Burton asks if she would leave her camera turned on while they have cyber sex. He wanted to see her orgasm. She immediately agreed. This was the ultimate for her. She would be able to hear his voice talking her through the orgasm while watching her experience it.

He began talking to her in the deep raspy voice that sent exciting shivers down her spine. He told her to take off her shirt and her bra… which she did, slowly and seductively.

“You make me so horny, baby.” He replied to her strip tease. “Show me how you like your tits rubbed.”

Hannah took her ample breasts into her hands and rubbed them. She pinched the nipples and rubbed them with her palms. Soon they were perfectly erect.

“Yeah, that’s it.” Burton said. “Slide back and let me see that sweet pussy of yours.”

Hannah did as she was told. She pushed her chair back away from the desk and took off her shorts and panties, which were already damp. She threw her legs over the arms of the chair so that he could see all of her spread out before the camera.

As per his direction, Hannah fondled her breasts with her left hand and moved her right hand down through the patch of dark curly hair and began fingering her clit with her index finger. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She was imagining that it was Burton’s hand circling and rubbing her clit the way that she enjoyed it the most.

He continued to talk to her as let her middle finger dip into her wet pussy. She couldn’t wait for his commands anymore. She started letting her finger slide in and out of her hot pussy while rubbing her swelling clit with her thumb.

“Oh yes, baby.” He said as he watched her as she moved her left hand down to her pussy. Hannah was on her own now as she added another finger to her pussy and the index finger of her left hand picked up rubbing her clit. She moaned softly.

“Oh god, baby. You are so hot.” Burton was continually talking to her through the speakers. His voice was so erotic to her and he knew it. He used it to his advantage to keep her aroused.

“You want to cum don’t you?” He asked as Hannah moaned louder and tried to spread her legs wider. She didn’t have to answer; he could see it in her movements.

“Cum for me baby.” He gave her his permission to relax and allow the orgasm. “Come on, baby, cum for me. Let me see it.”

Hannah fingered her clit more deliberately and intensely. She moaned louder as she shoved her fingers as far as they would go into her pussy.

“You know you want it.” He told her. “Don’t fight it… let it happen.”

“Oh god.” She moaned. “Make me cum… make me cum now!” She begged.

“Come on baby.” He coaxed her with his voice. “Give it to me… cum for me.”

Hannah furiously slammed her fingers into her pussy while fingering her clit. She wanted to cum so badly… so badly it hurt. She wanted him to see what he could do to her.

“That’s it, baby. Here it comes.” Burton knew that she was about to cum even before Hannah did. “Give it to me bitch!”

Hannah knew she was teetering on the edge... she was so close that she could hardy stand it. Her moans died away and she was now silent as she worked desperately to being on the orgasm she so desperately wanted.

“Come on bitch!” He yelled at her. “Fuck that cunt… show me that you’re a real woman.”

Hannah felt it building and working its way up. It was coming, she could feel it. She never altered her motion on her clit. Any deviation now would cause her to crash and she would have to start over. She arched her back and locked her legs on the arm of the chair. Within another moment she felt the release and she was rocked with a hard orgasm that slammed her wave after erotic wave.

“That’s my girl.” Burton’s voice had softened “I gotta go... I’ll see you tomorrow my love.”

With that, Burton was gone and Hannah was left sitting alone, spread eagle in the desk chair, recovering from her climax.


Does she materbate for Burton again?

          I think she will



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