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The Neighborhood | katieBgood | 10


Lisa didn’t realize that she had pulled away from the wall and that the vocalization of her own pleasure hadn’t fallen on deaf ears. The ski instructor was now watching her through the hole in the patrician wall.

A turn and jiggle of the door knob startled her and she immediately yanked her hand away from her clit. She ached to continue… she needed to finish, to bring herself to orgasm but the thought of being walked in on was foremost in her mind.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she fought to get her ski pants back up over her hips before the door was slung open. She couldn’t remember whether or not the door had been locked but it wasn’t a chance she was ready to take.

“There you are.” A sensuous voice spoke from the next room. It was only then that Lisa realized that the jiggling of the knob had stopped and that the someone had moved on to the next room, the room of the ski instructor.

“I started without you.” The masculine voice of the ski instructor replied. Lisa sat and listened. Her heart was still pounding with nervousness as well as dwindling pleasure. Now she was just wet and extremely horny.

“So I see.” The female laughed. “Sorry I was late.”

“Don’t be, I haven’t been alone.” The instructor said. “The girl next door has been keeping me company.”

*WHAT?* This certainly got Lisa’s attention. She was just about to bolt for the door when she heard him again.

“It’s not fair to leave her over there all alone.”

“What a marvie idea!” The woman squealed.

Lisa grabbed her up her boots, deciding to put them on somewhere else, and made for the door. It took her a moment to fumble with the lock. She yanked the door open to find a dark haired woman standing in the doorway, the handsome ski instructor appeared behind her a second later. Lisa stood there, silent, staring at the both of them. He was tall, muscular and well built with sandy blonde hair while she was shorter and slim with long shiny black hair.

“Leaving so soon?” The ski instructor asked as they both stepped inside the warming room with Lisa then he closed and locked the door behind them.

“I need to go find my husband.” Lisa tried to explain but the beautiful dark haired woman took Lisa’s boots out of her hand and tossed them to the floor.

“He can wait a few more minutes.” He replied and smiled as he moved around behind Lisa. “Bonny, what do you think?”

“I think you’re right, Clyde. This girl is too pretty to leave over here all alone fingering herself.” Bonny cooed as she reached out and began fondling Lisa’s breasts through her shirt. Bonny then leaned in and kissed Lisa gently on the lips. At first Lisa didn’t know how to react but she felt Clyde’s hands come around from behind her and pull up her shirt… she quickly decided not to fight but to enjoy.

Clyde quickly took off all of his clothes and sat down on the bench behind him. Bonny had removed Lisa’s shirt and was now working on her pants. When they were down around her ankles, Clyde grabbed Lisa by the hips and pulled her down into his lap. He unfastened her bra and pulled her back against him. The soft skin of her back was now against his bare chest.

He reached around and took Lisa’s breasts into his hands and held them up to Bonny, who hungrily took a nipple into her mouth. Lisa gasped at the feel of Bonny’s warm mouth on her nipples and her cool hands wondering over her body.

Lisa could feel Clyde’s thick cock grow hard against her lower back as he watched Bonny devour Lisa’s erect nipples.

“Honey, some help here?” Bonny looked up at Clyde as she dropped to her knees. “I want at that pretty little snatch.”

Clyde used his own legs to open Lisa’s legs and allow Bonny access. He tilted his head so that he could see her dark hair moving down between Lisa’s legs. His cock surged against Lisa’s back and he filled his hands with her breasts.

“Poor baby, you were so close.” Bonny said as she saw how wet Lisa had been. “You didn’t get to cum did you sweetie?”

“UH UH.” Lisa grunted as she felt a warm tongue begin to clean her pussy from end to end.

“Don’t worry, hun. We’ll take good care of you.” Clyde’s deep voice right next to her ear sent shivers through her body.

Bonny easily slipped two fingers into Lisa’s already soaked pussy and immediately found the spot. She rubbed and stroked it with gentle, almost playful, motions. Lisa moaned softly and laid her head back on Clyde’s shoulder.

“You like that, don’t you?” Clyde began talking softly in Lisa’s ear. “Tell me what you want.”

“I wanna cum.” Lisa whispered, feeling Bonny’s tongue on her clit and her fingers all over inside her pussy.

“Oh no… not yet.” Clyde hissed “We’re just getting started.”


What happens next?

          Lisa gives in


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