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Truth or Dare | darkone99 | 9


“I’m in.” You can’t believe you said it, but you did. If you could push Leslie a little bit, maybe she’d go for it. And there was nothing you liked more than watching a girl get herself going like that.

Bev hopped up, letting out a little whoop of celebration. Her shirt did little to cover her naked chest, and she reached down to help you stand up, for whatever reason, her breasts hanging heavily as she leaned over. You had a rough time tearing your gaze away from those nipples again before turning to look at Leslie and see what she would decide to do.

“Okay. I still think this is bullshit, but I’ll do it. But I can stop anytime I want, okay?” Bev nodded her agreement solemnly, trying not to crack a smile. You nodded as well, thinking that it would be very, VERY difficult for you to stop on your own once you got started. But…you’d worry about that when you had to. Maybe you’d just go the distance and hell with what everyone else thought.

“Okay, you get over there on that bed,” Bev pointed behind you, indicating where you should go. What do you know…right next to Megan. “And we’ll both go over to the other bed.”

Leslie plopped down quickly, still not looking real thrilled about the whole thing. But Bev reached down and grabbed her hands, saying, “Nope. Gotta lose the shorts. Otherwise, it’ll be tough for you to get down to business.” And with that, she slipped her own shorts down to the floor, standing there in a pair of thong panties and her unbuttoned shirt. The pink color of the panties contrasted well with her dark skin, and again you noticed her tanlines, although they were almost too small to see even with just the thong in the way. You were quite impressed by how nice her butt looked; it had been hard to tell in those baggy shorts, but she had a nice bubble of an ass.

Leslie muttered, “I don’t know why the hell I play this stupid game anyway,” but she stood back up, and after a moment of indecision, pulled down her gymshorts as well. She was wearing what could be termed “granny panties”, large cotton panties that did a good job of covering pretty much anything worth looking at. But even so, you could see a dark patch of hair peering out from within the white fabric since they were not completely opaque.

Both girls sat down, as did you, and Bev moved back toward the wall, leaning her back up against it and placing her legs on the bed, knees bent and feet wide apart. From here, you found yourself thinking that she must shave VERY well, because you sure couldn’t see any hair down there. And considering how small those panties were, that was saying something.

“Get up here, girlie!” Bev giggled, and patted the bed next to her. Leslie sighed, and she placed herself in a position much like Bev’s, both legs spread not quite as far apart. In contrast to Bev, you could see a little bit of hair actually peeking out of the sides of Leslie’s panties. You had a feeling she was a pretty prudish girl, normally…and she had most likely never trimmed much of her pubic hair in her lifetime.

Getting the idea, you slid back on the bed as well, and you spread your knees. With the boxers, you were finding it tough to keep your manhood hidden within the fabric, but you managed it somehow. Megan scooted back, but only a little, just giving everyone else a chance to see what you were doing. You were kind of surprised she was watching as closely as she was; maybe you had underestimated her interest in you, after all.

Bev waited a moment, then shook her head, laughing. “Okay, I’ll start. Otherwise, we’ll be here all night.” She blew you a kiss, then reaching down with her right hand, started to gently rub her crotch through her panties. Almost immediately, a patch of wetness appeared, showing that she probably had already been soaking wet before she had even began. “Mmm…okay…get to it…” she whispered, watching you closely.

No need to tell you twice. Reaching down, you rubbed your cock through the silk of your boxers, enjoying the feel of the slick fabric on your most sensitive areas. Already hard, you found yourself getting even more so, and you adjusted yourself so you could more easily stroke near the tip. Your own little patch of wetness appeared at the head, making your fingers slightly slick as you continued to slide your hand up and down through your underwear.

Leslie, her eyes wide, tentatively reached down to join the party. She seemed very unsure of herself, almost like she didn’t know where to rub. But after a moment, a small moan left her lips as she concentrated her attention on her panty covered clit.

Bev licked her lips, her chest beginning to heave with excitement as she rubbed more determinedly at her pussy. She sighed and, to your surprise, reached up to push her shirt aside so her other hand could grab a hold of the nipple ring in her left breast. She pulled on it firmly, stretching her nipple out further than it already was, and let it snap back. She shuddered. “I love it when my nipples are pulled…” she said to no one in particular, and she continued pulling on that ring every so often as she worked her panties into a frenzy with the other hand.

Leslie, beads of sweat forming on her forehead, making strands of hair stick to her skin, starting rubbing herself faster and faster as well. It seemed she had given up on being a prude, after all. In fact, after a moment of watching you continue to stroke yourself, she suddenly said, “Fuck it,” and she reached her other hand down to pull open the waistband of her panties. She shoved her hand inside, fingers fighting through her thick bush to press into the crevice deep inside, and she groaned loudly, her hips bucking up to meet her thrusting fingers.

“Thattagirl, Leslie,” Bev said breathlessly, and she did the same thing, reaching inside her panties to get down to the business she really craved. With her panties, however, they didn’t keep much from being seen as she buried two fingers deep inside her wetness, her thumb working furiously on her clit at the same time. You thought you caught a glimpse of a small patch of pubic hair, after all…but then you also saw something shiny up near her thumb as well. She was pierced there as well!

“C’mon, you can do it…” Megan said huskily, her eyes locked on your crotch. Megan said that? Holy shit.

“Oh yeah…just for you…” you moaned, and reaching down with your other hand, you slid inside your boxers and felt your stomach tense as you finally felt skin touch skin. You were harder than you remember being in a long time, and each stroke of your cock sent pleasure waves through your entire body, driving you closer by the moment.

Leslie let out a tiny squeak, followed by a groan…and then, she cried out, “Oh god…I’m…I’m so close…gonna…” And with that, she yelped loudly, as the first wave of orgasm washed over her. As she thrashed about on the bed, she thrust her hips skyward, her heels flat on the sheets, and she shoved fingers deep inside herself, the action sliding her panties aside enough that you could see just a hint of her lower lips, swollen with passion.

Megan, you noticed, was gently kneading her nipples through her shirt, her eyes still locked on you. Bev, breathing loudly, seemed to be slowing down, and she managed to say, “Don’t…finish. It’s my dare…and I don’t…mmm…want…you to finish…” She sighed, as she withdrew her hand from her soaked panties, and she shivered as she brought her legs up to her chest, giving you a great view of her ass from that angle. “Stop…before…”

You almost growled with frustration. You could actually feel your cum boiling close to the launching point, so much so that you could probably stroke twice more and shoot a load all over your shorts. But, using every bit of willpower you could manage, you drew your hand out of your shorts, letting the head of your dick peek over your waistband for a brief moment, just as a last tease to all who were watching.

“Whew!” Bev said, sitting up. Leslie had collapsed in a heap on the bed, and didn’t seem real interested in looking anyone in the eye. “That was sweet. Okay, big boy…pick again.”

Sharie and Megan watched you closely, both seeming quite anxious to join the fun.


Who's next?

          You pick Megan.


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