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Truth or Dare | darkone99 | 8


“….watch Leslie play with herself!” Bev smiled triumphantly.

“WHAT?!?!” Leslie, who had managed to be almost invisible the entire game up to that point, stood up, her hands on her hips. Her face, as tan as it was, still managed to turn a nice angry shade of red. “It’s HIS dare, not mine!”

The girls all laughed, and you chuckled a bit yourself. But, being smart, you decided you’d keep your mouth shut and see how this turned out.

“Oh, come on…you big spoilsport. You never take the good dares, Les.” That, surprisingly, was your stepsister speaking. Bev nodded her head in agreement.

Even Sharie threw in her opinion, saying, “Yeah! You’ve seen me do it before!”

You opened your mouth in shock, and Sharie raised her hand up to her forehead in a class “DOH!” pose. “Err…I mean…well…”

Leslie had to laugh along with the other girls now, if a bit nervously. “But, there’s a GUY here, this time! It’s not fair! I told you, it’s not my dare!”

Bev said, “Yeah, but I can choose who I want anyway. I just thought maybe it’d be more fun like this.” She shrugged, obviously thinking it over. “Okay, I tell you what…how about we make a deal.” Leslie eyed her warily, but seemed at least willing to listen. “You touch yourself, but you can keep your panties on. And at the same time…” her gaze turned to you, “…HE has to do the same thing. With his underwear still on, of course.” Bev beamed at everyone, obviously pleased with the dare she had concocted.

“Whoa!” It was your turn to act offended. Although…this dare had some promise, in your mind. “Can you dare TWO people at once? Who made that rule?”

“Yeah!” Leslie said, looking slightly relieved. “It’s not fair.”

Bev sighed over dramatically. “Well…okay…if you think it’s not fair, I’ll just join you. That way, you two aren’t the only ones getting all hot and bothered.” For some reason, you have a feeling that’s exactly what she wanted in the first place.

“You guys can just veto, if you’re chicken.” That was Sharie. “Up to you.”


Does everyone have the nerve to take the dare?

          All three go for it.


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