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Truth or Dare | darkone99 | 7


“Well, I hate to pick on you, but since you seem like such a big, brave boy, I think I will.” Bev reached up to pat your leg gently. “Truth or dare?”

You weighed your options carefully. Maybe it was time to back off a bit, go with a truth instead of dare. You’d already done more than you had planned and the game had barely started.

Nah. That’s just thinking crazy. Dare it is. What’s the worst she can come up with?

“Dare.” Besides, if it was too much, you could always take your first veto, right?

“Mmm…” Bev purred. “I just knew you were a brave one. Let’s see just how brave you are.” She glanced over at Megan, a sly grin on her face, then pursed her pretty lips in thought.

“Okay…I got one. I dare you…to…”


What does she dare?

          She dares you to watch Leslie have some fun.


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