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Paradigm Shift | Jakelyon | 1


I had been sleepwalking through life since my discharge from the army. 12 years in Special Forces was enough for me to have to live with, and I was ready to go back to the world. The problem it turns out was that I am not really very good at anything other than killing people. I tried going to college but it was no better than the high school I barely made it out of. The kids and they were truly kids were all at least 10 years younger than me and I felt out of place almost all of the time.

After that I tried a succession of jobs, failed at all of them and had finally settled into a meaningless job as a security guard, I worked the four to midnight shift at a large pharmaceutical company, watching the people come and go who really ran the world. I had been out of the service for two years and was quickly going down the tubes.

I had started going to a nearby bar when I got off to have a few drinks before I headed home. It was a noisy, smoky metropolitan crowd with everything from rich kids looking for fun to blue collar guys like me just looking to get drunk. I sat at a booth at the back, sucking down a couple of beers when I saw her come into the bar. It wasn't that she didn't fit, she looked outwardly like any of a dozen other rich girls in the bar who were looking for sex, or drugs, or some complicated guy to bring some excitement to their dull lives, but she also had a look of a woman who was looking for something, or someone. Her eyes floated over me, and I saw her take a hard look at me not in a real obvious way, but in an intent way none the less. She seemed satisfied and her eyes moved on before I could smile or try to make eye contact with her.

My experience in the military had trained me how to watch people, how to understand what they were thinking by what they did and how they acted. This girl was scared and trying to avoid something or someone. She was early twenties, very pretty, tall, black hair, darkly tanned skin, but definitely white. Her body was good, big tits, long legs, flat stomach and a tight ass. She was wearing a tight top that left no doubt as to the size of her tits, and tight black pants. I could definitely enjoy spending some time with a body like that. I had not found any girl I really wanted since I had gotten out, mostly just one night stands with girls who I could not stand to listen to the next morning. There was something dark inside me that would not leave me, something that did not want to hear about the bullshit that came out of most girls' mouths. All they could talk about was friends, their bodies, clothes, the meaningless stuff that seems important until you have to kill a man, or worse yet a woman, to defend yourself and your country.

The new girl had finished her scan of the bar and seemed satisfied that she was safe for the moment. Then in a surprise move she headed towards me and said, "Do you mind if I join you."

All sorts of intense sexual fantasies flashed through my mind as I took in the goddess in front of me and I answered her in a non committal voice, "Sure grab a seat, would you like a beer?"


What's next?

          Introduction 2


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