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Truth or Dare | darkone99 | 6


“Hey, Bev’s got pierced nipples, ya know…” Megan said, shooting her a sly smile.

“Hey! Don’t give away my secrets!” Bev laughed, and hugged herself tightly. This only served to push her large breasts together, revealing even more of her cleavage from between the buttons on her flannel shirt.

“Oh really? Well, this I gotta see!” You laughed along with the others. “So Bev, truth or dare?”

Bev pouted playfully, and reached over to shove Megan’s knee. “Dammit, Megan…see what you caused?” She smiled. “Okay, I’ll play. I take dare.”

Megan’s eyebrow arched in surprise, and the other girls grew quiet, almost looking like vultures waiting for their last meal.

You couldn’t pass this chance up. Not ever. Let’s see if she has the guts to go along with her banter.

“Okay…I dare you…to unbutton your shirt, and leave it that way the rest of the night.”

“Oooo…good one…” Sharie put in loudly. “Bet ya veto that one, Bev!”

Bev looked almost angrily at Sharie, and placed her hands on her thighs, breathing in deeply. This, of course, made her chest heave prettily within that over-large shirt, which you could definitely appreciate. “You know what?” She met your gaze with her blue eyes, staring unblinkingly at you. “I’ll take that dare. But you might wish I hadn’t, I’ll promise you that.” Her luscious lips turned up in a smile, as her hands moved up to the topmost button on her shirt.

Keeping her eyes locked on your face, Bev slowly unbuttoned her shirt. She paused between each button, sliding her hands along the fabric down to the next one, carefully leaving her boobs covered by fabric. She stood up as she got down to the last two, and she stood directly in front of you, taking care of that last pair at a little faster pace.

“Dare finished?” she asked, her voice husky.

You started to nod, but then she surprised everyone.

“Or would this make things more interesting?” With that, Bev reached up and slid both sides of her shirt apart, letting her breasts free, leaving them a mere two feet away from your now open mouth. They were quite large, large enough to have just a slight amount of sag at her age. They were nicely framed by the tanlines that left her skin pale on each breast, but her nipples were dark enough to match the skin that could more easily be seen when she was properly clothed. And best of all, just like Megan said, she was pierced. But only the left breast had a small silver ring in it, adding just a little bit of color to that gorgeous set of tits. Each nipple was very small for such large breasts, button-like in appearance, but they both were quite hard at your attention, pointing out a fair distance from the skin beneath. You could even see goosebumps circling her nipples as the slightly chilly air in the room hit her naked skin.

The other girls gasped as they saw her pull aside her shirt, and Megan even shook her head in shock. So much for keeping yourself from getting hard, though…you felt even more blood race to your loins, making you hard enough to cut diamonds, Only problem was, as your dick rose to the occasion, it was caught in the leg of your boxers, and the head peered out of that opening as it tried to find room within your underwear.

Sharie was still sitting, and she raised her hand to her mouth, giggling, as she got a real good look at your favorite body part. You moved quickly though, reaching down to shove it back undercover…even if it meant having a pretty noticeable tent underneath that silk. Sharie’s eyes watched your thigh closely, obviously hoping for another peek.

“Well?” Bev demanded. “Will that do, or not?” She slid her hands down her tight little belly, her upper arms forcing her breasts higher on her chest, those beautiful nipples staring you down.

“Y-y-yes. Oh yes.” You managed to stammer out. “That…will definitely do.”

Bev laughed, and sat back down, letting her shirt fall where it may. “Yeah, I’d say. Looks like I’ve definitely got someone’s attention.” She wriggled her eyebrows playfully as she gazed toward your still growing cock.

“Who’s next, big boy? Should I pick on your sister?”


Yeah, who IS next?

          You, of course.



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