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Truth or Dare | darkone99 | 5


“Nope. Not bailing.” The girls all grinned at the same time at that, and Sharie and Bev leaned back on their hands, letting their legs straighten up toward you as if waiting for the show to start.

“Well get to it, then!” Sharie demanded jokingly.

Nodding, you stood up in the center of the circle, unbuttoning your jeans. You did your best to think of the Queen of England naked so you could combat the rising flow of blood in your crotch, but it didn’t seem to be doing much good. Ah well, hell with it…not like it made any big difference anyway.

Sliding your jeans to the floor, you revealed the silk boxers you were wearing. Your girlfriend…no, check that…EX-girlfriend had bought them for you. They were blue, with tiny little red dots scattered here and there randomly. Your dick was thankfully only half hard, but it still managed to cause a small tent in the front of your underwear.

Looking down at your audience, you noticed all eyes were locked on your crotch, and you felt yourself jerk unwittingly, as another surge of blood found its way below. Megan even eyed you hungrily, licking dry lips with a soft wet tongue.

Spinning around in a circle, a wry grin on your face, you sat back down next to your step-sister slowly. “There you go. Dare completed, I’d say.” You chuckled, as each girl seemed to snap out of a form of hypnosis or something.

“Very cute, Megan…you should have shared him with us a long time ago!” That was Sharie. If her nipples had been at attention before, now they must have been painfully erect. Even with her shirt on, you could tell they stood out nearly an inch or so. She seemed to be breathing a little faster now as well, you noticed.

“Okay, my turn again,” you looked at each girl one after the other. Now, who would be next? Time to really get things rolling, maybe?


Which girl this time?

          Megan makes a suggestion.


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