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Truth or Dare | darkone99 | 4


“Truth or dare?”

Why were you not surprised she’d picked you? Like they all wouldn’t when their turns came, right? That’s okay, though…gave you more opportunities to return the favor.

Time to raise the stakes.


Sharie’s face lit up as she bit back a giggle. “Okay, then…let’s see…” She eyed you carefully for a moment, as if weighing just how far you’d be willing to go. “How about this? I dare you to…take off your jeans, just like the rest of us.” She smiled her evil grin.

“Hey…no fair, you girls have on your shorts.” You argued the point, knowing it wouldn’t make any difference. Not that you cared anyway; you were wearing boxers, so it’s not like you’d be showing off too much. But then, there was the issue of a certain body part showing a little more attention to the game than you would like at the moment.

“You bailing?” Megan asked playfully. Apparently any anger she had felt at you was gone; if anything, she seemed to be getting more interested in the game now.


Do you bail, or take the dare?

          You take the dare.


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