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The Neighborhood | katieBgood | 8


It only took a moment, and Suzi’s elbow jabbing into my ribs, for me to decide that I wanted in on this action.

The shock of butt fucking Tom quickly passed as I lay on my back in the floor in front of Jeri. I pushed with my legs and scooted so that Jeri’s beautiful tits were dangling in my face.

I took them in both hands and caressed them, kneading them as if they were the perfect mounds of bread dough. Jeri’s nipples were hard, begging to be paid some attention. I obliged them by taking one into my mouth. I licked, nibbled and sucked for a long moment before providing equal affection to the other.

I felt hands running over my chest, dull fingernails scraping against my skin. They worked their way down and began unfastening my pants, I knew by the touch that it was Suzi. I lifted my butt as she pulled my pants down over my hips toward my ankles. I felt my cock, again rock hard, pop free from the restraint.

Suzi’s mouth was wet and warm as she took all of me in one fluid motion. Her hand wrapped around my balls as she gave me an oral fucking.

“Save some of that for me.” Jeri said between the moans that were generated by Tom’s pumping her from behind. Just then I felt Suzi slap my leg and push on my chest. She was telling me to scoot down more so that she could share with Jeri. I happily complied. A deep hum began to emanate from Tom and grew louder as he pumped his wife faster and harder.

“Cum for me, Baby.” Jeri whimpered as I flicked my tongue across her swollen clit. “Give it to me, Tom. I want you to cum in me.”

Tom pumped furiously as he shot off inside his wife’s wet pussy, his balls slapping against my nose as I sucked Jeri’s clit. This was turning me on more than I could have imagined. I could feel four hands and two tongues working my cock.

I reached up and grabbed Jeri’s firm breasts in my hands as I buried my face in her dripping pussy. Tom had already pulled out and had moved out of sight. Jeri wiggled and squirmed as I tongue fucked her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her hips down to me. Her tiny feminine whimpers soon changed to an animalistic growl. This drove me to work her clit more intensely.

“Yeah, Baby, that’s right. You know you like that, don’t you?” Tom’s voice was right in my ear. “Cum on his face.”

I felt Tom’s hand against my head as he inserted three fingers into his wife’s pussy. Jeri moaned and pushed back against Tom’s hand. With our combined efforts Jeri was teetering on the edge of orgasm. Her clit began to swell even more and she rocked back and forth on Tom’s hand.

“You’re gonna cum too, aren’t you Steve?” Suzi crooned in a mischievous voice and she squeezed my balls tight in her hand., knowing what this would to to me


Who orgasms first, Steve or Jeri?



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