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The Neighborhood | katieBgood | 9


Peering through the hole in the partition wall was thrilling for Lisa and the idea of a watching a man pleasure himself excited her. Being within close proximity to a man jerking off was nothing new to her, Steve done it on almost a nightly basis but this was different... much different.

Her eye still pressed to the hole in the wall, Lisa unfastened her tight ski pants and slipped her hand inside. She felt a shiver run down her spine as her fingertips brushed the soft pubic hair that was now damp from her increasing excitement. She felt her whole body tingle when her middle finger penetrated the hair and easily slipped into warm wetness.

The ski instructor was oblivious to her. He continued to stroke his hard cock with a slow and steady rhythm. The muscles of his hips would tighten and loosen with each stroke. He was enjoying himself and intentionally prolong the pleasure. Lisa could hardly contain herself. She began circling her clit with the pad of her index finger. She immediately felt her toes go numb signaling that she was indeed hitting the perfect spot with the perfect technique… something that Steve never could quite accomplish. He would either have her legs jumping like a bullfrog or she would feel next to nothing.

A moan escaped her full lips as she continued to rub her swelling clit with her finger. With each passing second she grew more aroused and she soon felt a trickle run down the inside of her thigh.

Lisa didn’t realize that she had pulled away from the wall and that the vocalization of her own pleasure hadn’t fallen on deaf ears. The ski instructor was now watching her through the hole in the patrician wall.


Do they secretly continue their mutual masturbation?

          He Talks Her Through It

          In Walks Bonny


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