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Lord of the Realm | zigurat | 4


The bells of the church rang out the fifth hour since noon disturbing the quiet I was enjoying while looking down upon the castle garden. I knew that either Falco or my valet would soon inform me that dinner was ready in the Great Hall. Never a pleasant experience with all the courtiers around me jostling for position and power.

“My Lord,” I heard a woman say from the door to the balcony. Surprised at the unexpected voice, I turned away from the white marble railing and looked at the woman. It was my dead nephew’s wife, Catherine, mother of the current heir dominion.

As with most women, she was shorter than me. She had her waist length blonde hair plaited together into a single braid with a dark blue ribbon. Catherine was wearing a burgundy dress with white lace at the neck and black buttons that ran down the center of the blouse from the neck to just above the waist. White lace also hung from the hem of the skirt, which swirled as she walked to me.

“My Lord,” she said again. I noted a trace of worry in her voice. “I ask for the favor of your hand. My father is in desperate straits. I was hoping that you could help him restore his wealth and privilege.”

“Has he been gambling away his pension and responsibilities again?”

“Aye, M’lord,” Catherine answered. “I worry for him. I fear that those he lost to will wish him harm if he does not give them what he no longer has.”

“How much does he owe his debtors?”

“One hundred gold crowns.”

“Why should I help him? That is a rather large sum that he would then owe me and with his habits he would never be able to pay me back. Especially if he continues to gamble it away.”

“I, I thought,” Catherine stammered. “That as the mother of your heir you would help my father.”

“You are under my protection,” I said. “You would never have to fear your father’s debtors. As for your son, even if you left this castle, he would stay here to be educated and raised to the throne without you.” Catherine’s jaw dropped and her green eyes widened at my statement.

“If you gave me the coin, my Lord, I could give it to my father and then I would be in your debt,” the woman offered.

“If I do this,” I said, “Your father will receive no more coin from us. He would be on his own and you would not pester me further for his cause.” Catherine nodded solemnly.

“Good. Visit the Exchequer and collect the sum from him. If you take more than the hundred crowns, you will answer to me. Understood?”

“Yes, my Lord,” Catherine said.

“Come to my chambers after dinner and we will work out a plan for your debt.”

“My Lord,” another voice called out across the balcony. I looked over Catherine’s head to the open oak door. It was my valet, Harold.

“My Lord,” he continued. “Dinner is ready in the Great Hall.”

“We shall be there soon,” I said. Lowering my voice, I whispered to Catherine, “My chambers after dinner. Be there or I will be forced to come to you.” She nodded.

She turned away from me and strode off the balcony. I followed her, but stopped next to Harold, who was holding the door open.

“Inform Sir Rosemantle to place trustworthy guards over my grandnephew and that Lady Catherine may only have supervised visits. Also, tell him that Lady Catherine may only leave the castle with an escort and without her son.”

My valet nodded.

“It will be done, my Lord.”

I clapped him on the shoulder and hastened to the Grand Hall for dinner.


How will Lady Catherine work off her debt?

          In the Bedchamber


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