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My Sexy Aunt Pat | darkone99 | 4


still couldn’t believe what was happening. All those times he’d jerked off imagining stuff just like this, and now he was seeing it for real.

“Hmm…” said, thinking quickly. “The front looks like it’s trimmed pretty well, right? So why don’t you just hop up here…” he patted the bed, “…on all fours and we’ll see if I can’t take care of that for you.” His cock punctuated his words with a quick throb, making him almost wish he didn’t have his shorts on.

Nodding, Jesse slowly leaned over onto the bed, slithering further and further forward until she could lift her knees up onto it as well. Once she had done so, she stuck her butt straight into the air, leaning her upper body forward to rest on her crossed arms. “How’s this?” she purred.

swallowed loudly, his eyes wide. Man…his imagination hadn’t done her justice. Her butt was perfectly tight, with not one ounce of fat. And her legs were a complete dream…he could see the cut of her thigh muscles rippling as she gently rocked herself back and forth invitingly. “Err…perfect…” he managed to moan, and he started to move forward.

Suddenly, before he could touch her, she sat up, and she reached toward him. “Here…let me get that for you.” She was reaching for the shaving cream. frowned, thinking that this was going to end up being one big tease, and nothing else.

“Okay,” he said, handing her the can. Jesse took the shaving cream and sprayed some into her right hand, then handed it back to him. Grinning widely, she leaned back over, and reaching back she rubbed the cream into her pubic hair, trying to coat as much of it as possible.

watched as she rubbed it gently along her thighs a bit as well, then nearly died when she moved back up to touch her pussy with her slick fingers. “Mmmm…feels nice…” she groaned, and she rubbed a few times at her hooded clit. “This stuff’s nice. Now I know why you guys use it.” She moved her hand a bit lower, then, and slid two fingers inside herself, her hips bucking a bit as she moaned. “Oh yeah…” she whispered, and kept at it for a moment, swaying her hips back and forth as she did so. “Very, very nice.”

couldn’t take it…he had to do something. So, he reached down and stroked himself through his shorts, feeling himself getting harder by the moment, something he thought was impossible. A groan escaped his lips as he imagined doing things to his cousin that would make for a good X-rated movie.

The groan seemed to snap Jesse back to the present, as she stopped what she was doing and leaned forward on her arms once again. She wiped her hand on the covers, next to the mess had left there earlier. “Don’t get any ideas, big boy. I’m a tease, not a slut. I’ve never done anyone before, and I’m sure as hell not starting with you.”

Grrr…she made him so mad sometimes. What a bitch.

“But…I do need that shave. So let’s get started.” She wriggled her ass at him, and spread her legs a bit more for easier access.

Before she could change her mind, got to work. Trying not to shake with excitement, he started shaving the hair off her thighs, being as careful as he could, but finding it hard to not be a bit distracted. This close, he could smell her sex mixed with the scent of his shaving cream, and it was nearly driving him crazy.

As he finished with her second leg, he heard her say, “Boy, you made a mess up here.” She ran her hand across the puddle of cum that he had left on the covers. “Let’s see how you taste today.” And with that, she stuck her sticky fingers in her mouth, closing her eyes like she was eating the best candy she’s ever tasted. “Not bad…not bad at all…” she laughed.

Wiping the razor off on your shorts, watched her hungrily. “Hey, you know what?” she said, sitting up again. “It’s not very fair that I can sit here with my pants off, and you’re sitting there in your shorts. Not fair at all, is it?” She gave him that evil smile again. “Better get out of them, or I may just have to finish this up on my own.”

No argument there. He was more than happy to oblige. Hopping off the bed, he quickly dropped his short, letting his hard member swing free. It was so hard at this point, it almost hurt.

“Wow!” Jesse said. It was hard to tell if she was being sarcastic. “You’re ready to go, aren’t you? My, my…” She bit her lip enticingly. “Well, don’t want to have you too wound up, so let’s get this finished so you can go masturbate like a good boy, okay?” She laughed again, and leaned back over, pushing her butt toward him teasingly.

“Well…” decided it was time to play a game himself, now. No use letting her think she was completely in control. “I need to get a little higher up, there. You have a few stray hairs that I can’t get…unless you hold you ass cheeks open for me.”

She stopped her wiggling, then, and looked back at him with an arched eyebrow. “Oh really?” For a moment, thought she was going to pull the plug on the whole thing and leave him hanging. But then, she surprised him, and she reached back with both hands, parting her cheeks wide so he could do what he wanted.

almost came right then and there. She had the prettiest little rosebud of an asshole that he’d ever seen, and he could see her lips spreading slightly as she pulled herself apart. It was amazing, and he was dying to get his hands on her.

“Get to it!” Jesse commanded, and he thought for a moment he detected a little huskiness to her tone. Was she getting hot, too, he wondered?

Moving back onto the bed, very carefully scraped away at her soft skin, shaving away the few hairs that were still on her body’s nether regions. Within just a few moments, she was completely smooth, other than the cute little patch just above her pussy. After he finished, he moved closer to take in his work, and again he had to fight the urge to shoot his load all over the bed. “Better make sure you got it all…” Jesse said with a chuckle. She wriggled her butt until it was only inches away from his face. “Go ahead, give it a lick. Best way to check for hair is with your tongue, you know.”


What next? How far is Jesse willing to go?

          Jesse lets him have a little fun.


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