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My Sexy Aunt Pat | darkone99 | 3


“What in the…”

It was Jesse. She’d walked in without knocking, and caught him just at the key moment.

Quickly trying to cover up, threw his blanket over his cock, feeling the strain in his balls as he tried his best not to blow his load all over his sheets. What lousy timing…a couple seconds more, and he would have been finished.

As it was, he grimaced as his dick jerked the last little bit over the threshold, the cover’s rough surface finishing the job without him wanting to. ’s cousin held a hand up to her mouth as he leaned back his head and groaned, his covers dancing with each spray of his come.

Looking down at his soaked cover with embarrassment, sighed. “I…I don’t know what to say…” he began, but was interrupted by a feminine giggle.

“Damn, , guess next time I’ll knock, eh big boy?” She grinned. Her eyes took in the movements of his cover as his cock still throbbed in the throes of a pretty good orgasm. “Go ahead, throw on some shorts or something….I’ll wait.”

Jesse leaned back against the door, pushing it shut quietly, smiling at her cousin. She was wearing a tight pair of cutoff shorts, and a blue bikini top. Her hair seemed longer than the last time he’d seen her, her hair falling somewhere near that cute butt of hers. And something new…it looked like she had pierced her navel. A cute little rhinestone lay within her bellybutton, seeming to wink in amusement at ’s predicament.

Seeing that Jesse wasn’t going to leave, or turn around at least, said hell with it and stood up, a sticky stream of cum still hanging down from his still hard rod. Jesse’s eyebrow arched as she saw how large it was (around 8 inches or so, he’d never actually measured it before), and she crossed her legs slightly, biting gently on her lower lip.

“So what the hell did you barge in here for, anyway?” Even though somehow turned on a bit by being caught, was still kinda pissed. He had been working on a great orgasm before she came in and ruined it.

Jesse seemed to think this over a moment, and she shrugged. “Well…I was going to ask you a favor. If you’re interested, that is.”

shrugged as he pulled on a pair of sweat shorts, using his last pair of underwear to quickly wipe himself off beforehand. “Depends. If it’s gonna get me in trouble, then no.”

She laughed lightly. “It might, but not the way you think.” She stepped away from the door, moving closer to with an evil glint in her eyes. “You see…I want to get some swimming in today, but I have a little problem. Want to see?”

Okay, now she had his attention. “See what?”

Jesse reached down and unbuttoned her shorts, and wriggled out of them with a little bit of effort. She was wearing a very skimpy bikini bottom underneath, one that made drool just looking at it. She moved over to his bed, then, and set her right foot up on it, leaving her legs wide open.

“Look closely…” she gestured, pointing at her crotch. frowned, wondering what the heck this was about. Then, as he finally got the guts to put his face near her body, he saw what she was talking about. Bikini spiders, as he liked to call them. Reddish blond hair was sneaking out of her bikini on the sides, not making for a very attractive view.

“Oh…I see…” said, as he felt a throbbing ache from within his own loins. From this close, he almost imagined he could smell her. “So what’s this got to do with me?”

“Well, you see…I needed to borrow a razor.” She didn’t seem in a big hurry to lower that leg, and she didn’t seem to mind him moving closer and closer, his eyes wide.

felt a flash of disappointment, and his cock felt like it immediately shrunk an inch or two. “Oh. That’s all, eh? Okay…you can have mine.” stepped into the small bathroom attached to his bedroom and came back a moment later with his razor, along with is shaving cream. “Here you go. Now…please, don’t tell anyone what you saw me doing, okay?”

Jesse gave him that look again, and shook her head. “Only on one condition. I’m not very good at shaving, you see…and thought you might want to help me out.”

Sproing! Two inches, instantly regained!

There wasn’t a whole lot to consider, there. He shook his head in agreement. “Sure. I’ll help. What do you want me to do?”

“Well…how about I get out of this, first,” Jesse said with a smile. Putting her leg back down on the floor, she turned around, and bending over slowly, she slid her bikini bottoms down her shapely legs and let them fall on the floor. Still grinning, looking over at as she stepped away from them, she turned back around, showing just how unshaven she was.

It wasn’t really that bad; she obviously kept herself well trimmed most of the time. But at the moment there was a fairly dark blond patch of hair, mixed with red hair, that had just gone a little further down her legs then she would obviously like.

“Okay, , you’re the boss, here. Where would you like me? I don’t want you cutting anything important, you know, so be careful.” She put her leg back up on the bed, spreading herself wide, letting him see that she was showing a slight bit of wetness between.


What position should Jesse be in?

          Jesse bends over


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