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Pusher | amativissimus | 4


I suddenly shook myself. Kimberly and Amanda were going to be around for a while; why not experiment a little with this strange new power of mine? With this in mind, I left Thorngren and headed on over to the Student Union.

The Union was remodelled back in the early 1970s, and has a goofy layout rumored to be designed to make it harder for student protestors to take it over (like that's gonna happen here at Happy Drone State!) There is a sort of central lounge, though, near the food court, where people do tend to drift through. I found myself a vacant chair (not too comfy; they don't want homeless napping in them) and sat down to strategize.

I closed my eyes, and began exploring the 'cavern' that surrounded me. I could feel hundreds of presences at varying distances, and could recognize one or two of them; but mostly, they were vague. As I concentrated, I realized that one of the things I could most easily detect was the gender of the person involved. Men just felt *different* from women. One anomalous case puzzled me; I opened my eyes, to see Caroline Bonfiglia passing by. No wonder! She's a transgender case, and her presence in the 'cavern' had resonated in a mixed way. I've always felt like folks like that deserved all the support they could get, although I must admit she creeped me out a little (sorry, I'm a hopeless suburban het boy).

I closed my eyes again, and started experimenting. To each of the female presences I could detect, I 'pushed' a simple message: }I am feeling aroused{ It encountered resistance from some of them; a couple bounced back hard enough that I developed a massive headache. I learned to slide the message slowly, so that it wouldn't rebound hard. To my delight, I found many minds more than receptive to my message. Each time I found one of these, I followed up hastily, before she could get too far away. }I am feeling very aroused{ was followed by a reinforcing }I am really horny right now{. As I worked, some of them walked out of my range within this crowded cavern; but I consoled myself with the thought that I was going to be responsible for a lot of good lovin' today.

I gradually began to narrow in on the most receptive minds. As I found the horniest, most receptive presences, I added }I need to go to the Student Lounge; there are people there as horny as I am{. This bounced off sometimes, one person hard enough that I 'grayed out' for a second (fidelity and horniness are NOT mutually exclusive), but a more cautious approach brought several hot female minds within eyesight of my carefully-chosen throne.


Who have I roped in? What kinds of fun might we have?

          That redhead looks promising...


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