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Black E-mail | Maester | 2


The color drained from Sandra’s face. Her breathing hastened. She whipped her head up to see if anyone was near the door. No one was there, nor was anyone in the hall. She rose and locked the door. The deadbolt made a deafening “thunk.” She knew she could never keep her secret forever. Oh how she wanted to simply be free of this horrible beast that plagued her mind. “This could be anything Sandra, calm down, but we need to be sure.” She reassured herself. She could feel sweat gush from every pore as she returned to her computer and opened the email. The message read, “I have more.” The only other part was an attachment. Holding her breath, Sandra opened it. The attachment was a picture of horrific scene, and the image was very clear so that there was no escaping horrors it held.

It is a picture taken in an alley. In the picture, five man, no they used to be men now they were nothing more but piles of flesh, which were once called human, lay scattered about. A woman in the lower right corner is crouching against one of the walls. Her shirt was ripped and her left breast was exposed. She is crying. However, this poor woman is not the focus of the photo. Against the opposite wall is a sixth man. In his left hand, he cradled what remained of his right arm. On the ground lies his severed arm still clutching a magnum. Face was staring forward in absolute fear as he looked at his assailant. The Photo was taken in the absolute last moments of his life. In the left hand of the assailant dangled a sword still dripping with blood, in the outstretched right was 9mm pistol. A bullet was ripping through the air, and there was no doubt that its target was the sixth man’s forehead. There was a look of tremendous satisfaction on Sandra’s face as she pulled the trigger.

Sandra had no real memory of the event. If it was anything, it was but the vague haze of dream. But, she had no doubt it was really her. In her more radical youth, Sandra had been involved with a group that had blown up of an abortion clinic. Although, she was not actually involved, the politicians had needed an example, and so she and several other had been sentenced to five or more year for conspiracy. She got it appealed for a lack of any real evidence. Sadly, while she was still imprisoned, Sandra had been raped and otherwise sexually abused by both her cellmates and the prison guards. The young girl was unable to handle the hell she was in. Sandra had begun to retreat deeper and deeper into her own mind. The vacuum left by her own absence was filled by a much stronger person, one that would not allow her to become a victim. It called itself, Sehkmet. Sandra was glad to let this thing protect her. This Sehkmet began to enjoy the fight. Soon this protector, longer waited for them to be attacked, it actively sought out anyone who might ever hurt them. Sandra had had to learn to suppress it. Yet, sometimes it could sneak upon her and take over.

Her computer notified her that she had a new E-mail. The subject line read “here are my instructions.”


What does it say?

          She tries to trace it


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