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Truth or Dare | darkone99 | 2


Bev fairly bounced up and down with excitement as she interjected, “It’s my turn! I just got finished answering a question!” You noticed how much her chest bounced under the button-up flannel shirt she wore. The other girls laughed.

“Okay…but we’ll start over, since there’s a new player. So Leslie, you don’t have any vetos against you yet, okay?” Megan nodded at her roommate, who grinned back at her.

Bev glanced at each of the other girls in turn, as if debating who she wanted to put on the spot first. But then, she grinned evilly and turned to look directly at you. “Okay…truth or dare, mister.” Her pretty blue eyes watched you closely, and her smile formed cute dimples in her cheeks as she licked her lips slightly. You found yourself wondering if she had dimples anywhere else…

“Hmmm…let’s see…” It had been years since you played this game, probably longer than the last time you played strip poker. You were trying to figure out your best strategy to get as much enjoyment out of this as possible. “Well…how about truth.” Start slow, you decided, figuring you could get more “daring” later on in the night.

For some reason, Bev didn’t seem too disappointed by your choice. “Okay,” she began. “How about this? Have you ever jerked off while fantasizing about Megan?”

Shit. This girl wasn’t messing around. It was pretty obvious who was the bravest out of this bunch.

“Bev!” Megan shrilly yelled. “Don’t ask him stuff like that!” Her beautiful pale skin started turning a pretty shade of pink.

You felt a bit embarrassed as well, but in a way, you kind of liked this question. What the hell, could be interesting seeing how everyone reacted.

“Bro, don’t…” Megan began, but you interrupted.

“Yes…I have. More than once, actually.” Megan’s mouth fell open in astonishment, and the other three girls sat in stunned silence a moment before breaking out laughing.

“Oh my god!” Bev giggled. “I can’t believe you answered that!” Megan looked a little bit put out, turning a brighter shade of red, but you kind of found the whole thing funny as well. You hoped you hadn’t upset her too badly, admitting what you sometimes thought of her. “Tell us all about it, stud!” Bev said then, her tongue dancing across her lips quickly once again.

“Nope,” you replied. “One question at a time, ladies. Have to wait until your next turn for that one.” You grinned evilly.

“Oh, poo!” Bev laughed, and stuck out her tongue. You noticed that she had it pierced, a stud stuck through it…and it was a long tongue, at that, reaching nearly to the end of her cutely pointed chin. “Alright, your turn, then. Give it to us, big boy.”

You hazarded a glance at Megan, wondering what she was thinking. It seemed most of her embarrassment was gone, if not her anger. Her skin tone was more normal now, and you noticed her looking at you warily. Or was that…a look of interest?

“Hmm…okay, well…so difficult to choose from such a lovely bunch of ladies, but…” The girls all leaned forward eagerly, wondering just who it was you would choose first…


Who should you pick on?

          Sharie first!


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