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Truth or Dare | darkone99 | 1


You'd been dumped again.

Think you'd be used to it...seemed like you could never keep a girlfriend longer than a week or two. At eighteen, you had never really had a long term relationship. You were getting a bit tired of it.

That was when you'd spoke with your step-sister, Megan. Megan had been a part of the family for around four years now, and the two of you got along great. But that could be because you had been friends for years anyway; in fact, you'd even dated a short time before your mother married her father. Sad thing was, as usual, it was her that broke it off with you, and you still had the hots for her.

But who wouldn't? She was gorgeous. Back when you had dated, she had been cute, but she only got hotter year by year. And now, at 18, she was just incredible. Standing about 5'5", Megan had curves in all the right places. Her chest was a solid C cup, her waist slim but not too skinny. And she had incredible hips, flaring just pefectly down to one of the sweetest asses you'd ever laid eyes on. Her legs were in great shape too; she worked out pretty regularly, and had some of the best calves you'd been happy to take a look at. Her face was even better than her body, somehow...high cheek bones, full lips, cute little nose speckled with just a few freckles, and those eyes. A beautiful pair of green eyes that looked just right with her waist-long deep auburn hair.

You almost wish you had gotten some action back then; all you had done is kissed a time or three.

Anyway, she'd just went off to college this year, and after the lousy week you'd been having, you were more than happy to take her up on her offer. She suggested you come out to visit her at her dorm, since you'd been neglecting your "poor sister" all semester. She even pointed out, "You never know...maybe you'll meet someone enlightened enough to realize just what a great guy you are!", something you couldn't argue with.

So, trying to break out of your depression, you got in your car and drove out to the campus, about four hours away from your apartment. Megan was a were glad you were such good friends, if nothing else.



You waited patiently a moment, standing in the dorm hallway, trying not to notice the stares of the girls walking by. Apparently it was a bit rare to see a man up on their floor, which you found surprising. But it was pretty late on a Monday night, too...almost 9 in the evening.

Inside Megan's room, you could hear the sound of laughter. Someone else was in there, you could tell. Probably her roommate that you'd heard so much about. The girl sounded like a complete nerd to you, but Megan really seemed to really like her.

Megan's laugh could be heard coming closer to the door, and you stepped back, waiting for her to open the door. When she did, you about fell over, thinking you might have warned her you were coming over after all.

Seeing who stood outside her door, Megan's eyes got wide as she stepped back to hide inside her room. But not so quickly that you didn't see she was dressed only in a long T-shirt and panties (you'd think, anyway, since it was hard to see them underneath that shirt). She didn't have on a bra, either, as you could see her nipples fairly well through the thin fabric.

"Err...hey bro," she muttered, as a faint blush rose up to her cheeks. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail, but still managed to fall a good distance down her back. "I didn't think you were coming out here."

Feeling yourself blushing a bit as well, you hazarded a quick glance over her shoulder into the room beyond. You couldn't be sure...but it looked like at least two other girls were sitting on the floor in there, doing their nails or something that girls liked to do. "Oops." You chuckled weakly. "Sorry, sis. Didn't mean to surprise you. I just..." A deep sigh came from your throat, and you felt another bout of tears coming on you pretty quick. "I can go."

"Oh! No, no..." Megan said, shaking head. "It's okay. I don't think the girls will mind if you come in and join us for the night." She smiled her beautiful smile reassuringly. "I'm so sorry about Darla..." she added, "but you can do better." Glancing back at her friends, she said, "Can you wait a minute? I'll make sure everyone's decent, then you can come in. Got your clothes and stuff?"

You nodded numbly, just wanting to get somewhere where you could lay down and maybe get some sleep. Pretend that things were okay for once. "Okay, I'll be right back," Megan said, leaving the door open just a crack as she turned to talk to the others.

After a bit, she came back to the door, now wearing some sweatshorts, which still didn't do much to hide the pale skin of her pretty legs. "Come on, they're anxious to meet you. I've told them lots about you."

"Great," you said with a sigh. "Ruin my rep already, why don't ya?" You managed a weak smile, and she grinned back as you walked by her and into the room.

Three of the cutest girls you'd seen in a long time eyed you as you dropped your knapsack near the door, looking as if they were measuring you for something. For a moment, you knew what it must feel like to be a nice looking felt like a piece of meat, the way these girls looked at you. Giving them a quick smile, you were slightly heartened to see each of them return the favor.

"Let me introduce everyone," Megan said, closing the door behind you. "This is my roommate, Leslie." Leslie was nothing like you had imagined. She was taller than Megan, maybe 5'10". She was thinner too, but still looked pretty damned good, if a bit small on top. But she was tan, and her long, long legs looked awfully nice in the gymshorts she was wearing. Her dark eyes were hard to see behind her glasses, but she was definitely still pretty. Her dark hair was about shoulder length, and very straight.

"This is Sharie." Sharie was very short, maybe 5'1". And some might consider her a little on the heavy side. But not you; she was a hottie. She didn't have much on top, either...probably a B cup at most. But even from here, you could tell she had a nice, nice bubble-butt. And her thighs were amazing, as you could tell since the shorts she was wearing were riding very high on her legs. Long, reddish-brown hair fell down her back, pretty close to her butt. She was wearing a short, cutoff shirt which showed her bellybutton in all its glory, pierced and holding a small rhinestone in its depths. She obviously tried to keep her weight down, and was doing a great job of it; she had a good six pack to go along with the thighs. A cute little toe-ring glittered on her left second toe. She smiled at her introduction, her dark eyes glittering.

"And that's Bev." Bev had the shortest hair of the group, blond and just at her collar level. But her lips were a blow-job waiting to happen. She was about the same size as Megan, both in height and weight. And her breasts seemed larger, maybe a D cup. Not a bad set of hips that you could tell, and she was nicely tan, even more so than Leslie. Her shorts were very baggy, making it hard to see her exact shape. In fact, they looked like they were too big for her waist, as she held them up with one hand while waving with the other. On her left ankle, you could see a nice tattoo of ivy leaves that went entirely around just above her foot.

"Hi, ladies," you said, sitting down carefully on one of the two beds in the room. "Glad to meet you."

They all just smiled, eyes glittering mischeiviously. What was that about?

"Well..." Megan said, taking a seat next to you. "We were just starting our evening's entertainment. Would you care to join us?" She smiled, looking a bit nervous. The other girls giggled.

"Errr...what's that?" you said.

"Well, we were just playing Truth or Dare. It's kind of a favorite for the four of us." Megan grinned. "Bet it may cheer you up, if nothing else." She shrugged.

If only she knew. What an opportunity. Trying to look like you were actually considering saying no, you sighed. "Okay...what's the rules?"

The girls all smiled widely, the other three taking a seat, two on the floor, with Leslie sitting on her bed across the way. "Well, it's pretty can take either truth or dare. If you don't want to answer a truth question, you HAVE to take a dare chosen by everyone else. And if you take a dare, you can veto it...but only twice. After that, you're stuck."


"Okay, sounds fun," you said. "Who's first?"


Who's turn is it?

          Bev's Turn


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