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Create a Wrestler | lilguy31 | 152


Tara woke up

"Is this the part where you try to make me your sex slave" Tara Said

"Naaa Got plenty of those" Mama Said Holding the belt over her shoudler "This is where I offer you a Job"

"Doing what"

"Was wondering if you help me train the Twins. Wont have time to look over them due to something I planning. May be busy for a few weeks. If they assit on being in a leauge I like them not to be punching bag."

"And what do I get"

"Well You being the Anti Bully you get to brag you train one of the wimpiest people in the leauge to be bad asses. You get paid of course. I am OWE you big" She Said


does she agree

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