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The Choice | rhetorical | 3


Walking down the street a bit, you find a small cafe with a number of customers inside. Making your way into it, you spot two college girls chatting with one another at a table in the back while drinking coffee. You're curious how your powers play out in a situation where people are interacting with one another.

Approaching them, you analyze them for a moment. Despite you standing next to them with your cock more or less at their eye level, they don't react to your presence.

"I've got this really dumb speech I need to do," says the girl on the left, a blonde with blue eyes in a black low-cut tube top which generously gives ample cleavage for you to gawk at. She's wearing denim jeans cut at the ankles.

"Did you even start it yet?" her friend playfully jabs with a giggle and light smile. Curly red hair comes down to her neck as her green eyes look at her friend. She's got a long-sleeved blue sweatshirt with a matching short blue skirt that stops at about halfway down her thigh.

As they talk, you poke the blonde's shoulder, causing her to hesitate for a split fraction of a second. Seeing this minimal reaction, you begin to poke her more and more as if to grab her attention. She starts speaking slightly haltingly but doesn't so much as glance to her side. Some part of her—likely not very deep below her consciousness—is registering the sensation. However, even after a few seconds of this, neither girl reacts further.

Curious about how far you can push the situation, you gently cradle her jawbone and turn her head to look at you. "I don't know," she says to her friend as you rotate her face to look directly at you. "I'll find the time somewhere." You lift her chin so that she's looking directly into your eyes. Her pupils come into focus as you establish eye contact, but she doesn't otherwise react.

Her friend responds without yet registering any apparent reaction. "Hah, where? Under your bed?"

You lower your head to the blonde's. She licks her lips, her eyes still locked to yours. "Maymmmmhhhh," she says, starting to speak as you bring your mouth to hers, kissing her full on the mouth and tasting her lips. The blonde offers no resistance, but you feel her hum gently into your mouth.

The redhead patiently waits as you kiss her friend. You begin to harden from the kiss and from the fact that no one is reacting. Do you feel the blonde licking you back lightly with her tongue..? Or is she still trying to speak?

"mmmmhayve I'll just cut class tomorrow," the blonde continues as you draw your mouth away from hers, eyes still locked on yours and now panting ever so slightly. Well, either way, she held onto her thought to complete it after the kiss. It does make you curious, though...if you had decided to fuck a girl's mouth while she was in the middle of a conversation like that, would she have kept trying to talk or would she have waited like this blonde did? And if she did keep trying to talk, would whoever was listening to her still understood her mumbling? The redhead did seem to understand the blonde's mid-kiss and post-kiss slurred speech without any issue, the least, it's something worth testing out later. You can only hope your future subjects will just keep trying to talk, though—for whatever reason, the idea of a girl trying to talk casually with your cock stuffed down her throat and people understanding her for the most part as if it were something that always happened is extremely enticing to you.

Having reached first base with your new unwitting girlfriend, you decide to take it to the next level. You take her by the shoulders and lift her gently from the chair; she stands up as if directed, still looking into your eyes but not acknowledging you otherwise. "My next class isn't until noon anyway, so that will give me plenty of time in the morning to work on it," she explains to her friend but with her eyes still on you as if you were the one she was speaking to. Her redhead friend nods with a relaxed smile as you reach behind her blonde friend to unclasp her tube top.

As you pull back from the blonde, her face goes ever so slightly slack with surprise and she blushes lightly as her large chest relaxes to its natural unimpeded state, healthily remaining at balance with her rosy nipples plain for all to see. You maneuver behind her to sit on her chair, and pull her gently onto your lap, facing her friend. You enjoy the feeling of her warm, bare back against your chest and her gentle weight as she sits on you.

You can't see the blonde's expression any more as she sits on your lap facing away from you, but she seems a bit fidgety, as if she's almost barely aware that your lap isn't quite the chair she was sitting on just a moment ago. Her hands on the table seem as though they want to move to her chest, but stop well short. You guess that she feels an impulse to cover her chest without understanding why, and doesn't want to cup her breasts in public. Her legs are pushing backwards, and you let her legs squeeze gently between yours underneath the chair.

The blonde's exposure has finally gotten the red-head's attention on some level. Her eyes are slightly widened, and her eyes glance every two or three seconds to her friend's topless chest. Her face flushes slightly, and she licks her lips a little. "That makes sense," she says, sounding as though she is trying to maintain a casual tone—and, actually, succeeding for the most part.

You enjoy watching these two girls squirm slightly at the situation, acting (not entirely convincingly) as if nothing strange is going on. You notice other coffee shop patrons glancing at the blonde's chest, but they look both slightly confused, and as though they're trying not to get caught looking.

The blonde's breathing is slightly uneven as her red-haired friend continues her story. You decide to give one of her boobs an experimental grope: she shifts her weight on you slightly and her friend's eyes dart to her chest, but neither of them give an apparent thought to whatever it is which is gently deforming her breast or pulling at her nipple.

It would seem that other people are dimly aware of your existence on an animal level—they seem to react to your touch and intense eye contact but have no ability to consciously realize that anything unusual is happening and don't react to it beyond that. Furthermore, they certainly don't seem to think that anything unusual they may be experiencing is being caused by anyone.

You can think of several things you could do with this ability that could potentially help people and better the world. But two slightly distracted college-aged girls (one of whom is deliciously topless and has very nice breasts) are providing you with other ideas which you're thinking of pursuing first. You decide:


... that you first would like to ...


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