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The Choice | rhetorical | 2


Jolting up from your sleep in shock, you grab your chest and take deep breaths. Your body is in a feverish sweat after what you can only recall as a strange, otherworldly dream. The only image that comes to mind as you try to remember the dream is the picture of a red sphere.

The voice's words echo loudly in your head as the image of the pulsating red sphere rotates in your mind — "The second option is the ability of nonexistence." Was it real, then...?

As you rise to your feet while pondering this, the sound of car horns and traffic quickly pull you away from your thoughts. It doesn't take you long to realize where you are—the middle of a very busy four-way intersection in the middle of a busy downtown district. What's even more surprising is the fact that cars are literally driving right through your naked body.

With a distressed and freaked out scream, you quickly jump back and evaluate your current situation. You know for a fact that you didn't fall asleep in the middle of a busy street, much less while completely nude. Cars are going right through you left and right, so you're...intangible.

In that moment, the realization hits you—it was much more than a dream. That voice you heard was being serious. You and your actions no longer exist.

Although having a number of vehicles phase through your body is more than enough factual proof, you find yourself making your way towards the nearest sidewalk in an attempt to test things out further. As you walk, people who are walking in the opposite direction phase right through you in the same manner as the cars.

Full intangibility couldn't be right, though...the disembodied voice spoke of a scenario in which you placed an item in a woman's bag. How could you do that if you were always in this phantom-like state? And if your actions didn't exist, what would it even mean to be able to put an item into a woman's bag? There must be something more to it.

You figure that it has to be simple to affect the world around you, it couldn't possibly be something physical like clicking your heels together or whistling. You puzzle over this as a wave of people walk through you.

You decide to will yourself to be physically tangible, thinking that simply briefly focusing your mind on the thought of changing your physical state could potentially suffice. An attractive looking woman turns the corner and comes your way as you think of this possible solution—her business attire is small and tight for her voluptuous frame and her adequate-looking breasts look absolutely ready to burst out of her shirt. Having already gotten used to being walked through, you stand in the middle of the sidewalk as she comes closer to you and simply think about becoming tangible.


She crashes into you and falls over backwards slightly, almost losing her balance. You get pushed back as well.

Several people look at her with slight puzzlement, eyes wondering at how she managed such a clumsy feat—after all, since no one can see you, it appears to them as if she just stumbled backwards for no reason. However, aside from a few baffled glances, no one takes much notice. The woman herself looks somewhat confused for a quick moment before she begins walking forward again. Bumping into you once more, another look of slight puzzlement crosses her face before she walks around your side, continuing on her path.

Feeling mischievous, you catch up to her and take a step ahead, stretching out your leg and deliberately tripping her. She falls to the ground and begins to pick herself up; bystanders glance at her with some confusion, but none offer any help, as though her accident didn't happen. The businesswoman doesn't so much as curse, proceeding as though nothing were unusual.

So, your actions *do* have effects after all, and the effects themselves are noticed, at least dimly. Everyone is basically acting as though they *pretend* not to notice the things you do. And, you confirm with a thought that you can turn yourself intangible again at will, letting others pass through you.

Now that you have some grasp over your powers, you consider what to do next.


Where do your interests lie?

          A cafe down the street


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