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Thrust | DamianWhite | 27


Your parents are sitting on the floor on the other side of the shelving, a blanket laid down on the floor under them. Your mom's blue heels are sitting on the floor to the side of the blanket.

"No," your mom says, shaking her head. "There's got to be another way."

"We could be the only people left in the world," your father tells her. "It's up to us to continue the human race."

"You are not fucking our daughters!" Your mom says, looking at her husband angrily.

"There's not exactly too many men left in this world," your father responds. "And besides, you won't fuck me anymore, and a man has needs."

Your mother's mouth opens in shock. "I'm still mad at you for getting a vasectomy, when you knew I wanted another baby." She crosses her arms against her ample chest. "Speaking of which, how exactly are you planning on getting my girls pregnant when you are shooting blanks?"

Your father shrugs. "Maybe it wasn't 100% effective," he says. "We have to take that chance."

Your mother pauses. "Assuming we decide there should be any incest at all, wouldn't it make more sense for it to be our son, and not you? He never had a vasectomy."

Your dad makes a show of thinking it over, although you know that he's already giving you his blessing on fucking both of your sisters. "That makes sense, from a practical perspective. But both of us should try, to increase our odds." He looks at your wife. "Continuation of the human race is of the utmost importance."

Your mom looks at your dad dubiously. "And what if either Tracy or Milly don't want to have sex with one or both of you?"

Your father shakes his head reluctantly. "You know I love both of our little girls. But under these circumstances, we don't have time to worry about what they want. They need to go along with it, one way or another."

Your mom looks shocked again. "You're not seriously suggesting raping them? Or letting our son rape them?"

Your father's voice goes flat. "We have an obligation to the human race. It may be awkward at first, but they'll come around."

There's silence for a minute. Then your mom speaks. "What about me, then?"

Your father smiles. "I'm ready to go back to having sex with you any time you'll let me."

Now it's your mom's turn to shake her head. "That's not what I meant. You said it's up to us to save the human race. Well, our daughters aren't the only fertile women in this place. I am too." She looks defiantly at her husband. "But the only fertile man left here is our son."

"No!" Your father says instantly, angrily.

"That's what your stupid logic is leading to." Your mom crosses her arms tighter against her chest. "If we need to start making babies, then I guess I need to start making some with our son, since you aren't able to."

"No man but me is ever sleeping with you." Your father's voice is very insistent.

"Well, you haven't slept with me in quite some time," your mother replies angrily. "And I don't see any reason to let you." She turns her head slightly. "I don't like the idea of you sleeping with our daughters, or our son doing the same. And I don't like the idea of sleeping with him, given I'm his mother." She turns back to your father. "But if you're going to argue that we need to do wicked things for the greater good of mankind, then you can't call limits based on your jealousy."

Your father looks at his wife suspiciously. "You want to fuck your son, don't you?"

Your mother looks shocked again. "Of course not! I don't want to sleep with him any more than I want you or him to sleep with our little girls. But he is the last fertile man left that we know of."

"I don't want to share you with our son," your father says stubbornly, sullenly.

"I don't think any of us want any of this," your mom says, taking her arms from around her chest, and putting them on your father's arms. "I didn't want the world to end. I don't want to think about what you're suggesting that we do as a family to survive." She speaks more softly now. "I realize that this has been a hard time for all of us, and it's just going to get worse." She moves closer to your father. "And I guess, given all that's gone on recently, my refusing to have sex with you is kind of childish."

She leans in to kiss your father, who starts kissing her back. His hands start to paw at your mother's large breasts, and she gives a little moan of passion. Apparently some desire has been pent-up within your mother for some time. You see her reach inside your father's pants...

"Oh," she says simply, looking down.

Your father looks embarrassed. "I'm just a little tired. Give me a minute."

"Of course," your mom says, although there's just a slight tone of contempt in her voice, and frustration. You see her hand move in your father's pants. You're guessing he's still worn out from fucking Tracy earlier, but he can hardly tell your mother that. And it's not like he lasted too long with her to begin with.

After about a minute, your father abruptly pulls away from your mother. "With everything that's going on, I can be forgiven for being a little tense," he says crossly. He gets to his feet.

"We can try again later," your mom says wearily.

"Definitely," your father says, eagerly. He starts to turn away. "And we can talk more about our daughters, too." He looks levelly at your mother. "But I'm not ready to share you with our son."

Your father turns and walks away, heading to the exit. You crouch down, and doesn't even look down at your hiding spot as he heads out.

You turn back to look at your mom. She sits there, looking flustered until she hears the door close behind your father. Then she angrily reaches out and knocks a can of food off of the shelf.

"Damn it!" She says angrily. She takes a deep breath then, and after sitting there a few seconds, you see her slide her hand inside the front of her denim skirt, and realize that she's going to seek some release from her frustration.


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