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F Field | Murakami | 11


Romulus steeled himself, and pulled his sister, who had been giving him quite a fuck, off of his cock. She resisted for the slightest moment, having been driven quite close to orgasm, enjoying the sensations she had never felt before, which had banished her surprise about suddenly appearing unclothed and on her brother's dick in the middle of the court, over 40 miles from the chair she had been in the process of sitting down on. But she knew that no one kept the emperor waiting, so she gave his dick a fond caress and sat down in his place, sliding herself onto the marble dildo sticking out of the bench, which filled her nicely, though not as well as her strapping brother.

Romulus stepped to the center of the room, and bowed to the emperor, his hair suddenly lengthening to mid back and falling over his face. The emperor motioned, and Romulus stepped forward, a rapid growth of tit flesh preceding him, marching up the the throne, and, ashamed, took the emperors dick into her mouth, her position showing her new cunt to the entire court as her toga shrank up above her waist, bangles the only remnant of the armor she had been wearing a second before. The emperor reached down and caressed Roma's boobs roughly, uncaring for her feelings, as she tried not to think about the eyes of the court that were witnessing this, as the dildo her sister was sitting on suddenly grew warm, and a male shape grew out of the bench, pushing Romnia upwards, wrapping his hands around her as he trust into the courtesan, one hand holding a knife casually to her throat. Roma knew what would happen to her sister, held firmly on the praetorian's dick, if she displeased the emperor.

"My emperor, fellow citizens of Ro--of Rome," stuttered general Horticus, the pale, gangly commander of the northern forces, formerly a low ranking sycophant in the imperial recordium. "I bring good tidings. The paving of southern Germania proceeds on sch-schedule, and we have established garrisons throughout the region. I anticipate it will only be a few more years before the Germanics cease their resistance." He gestured to a large group of naked women surrounded by guards off to the side. "The people of Germania send their most beautiful to taste civilization. I hope the emperor finds them acceptable."

He turned back to the throne, and cleared his throat loudly, before continuing. "We have made overtures to the northern tribes, and the Visagoaoths have rejected them outright. They seem to have a distinct aversion to giving you... I mean, the empire... the tr-tribute it deserves. I have come before you this day to request personnel to crush these barbarians. The greatest problem these people face is a lack of medicine and healers, and if we press them, I have no doubt we can bring them under the blanket of our great civilization. I estimate we may lose only a legion or two, hardly anything to be concerned with. Do I have your permission, my emperor?"

The court looked to the emperor, but few doubted that Horticus' request would be granted. This emperor was well know as a greedy ruler, frugal neither with his money, which he spent aggrandizing himself in construction, nor with the lives of his troops, whom he sent to die without a care, so long as more pretty girls were brought to his bed. Roma tried not to think about how her parents had been forced to give her and her sister up for slavery in the imperial harem when they came of age, and the priestesses of Venus tried not to show their disgust at the emperor as he pushed the head of the poor girl he had co-opted down hard onto his dick, nearly choking her, as he came, before raising his hand in ascent, and bade his general assemble the personnel and supplies he needed. The court was then forced to wait as the emperor waded into his new slaves, fondling and rubbing, and, if the girl was insufficiently pretty or resisted too much, ordering his guards to kill them on the floor. The guards dared not object, for all of their sisters and mothers were in the imperial harem as well, as hostages.


What Results From All This?

          A Field day in Rome - Outcomes and an Exit


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