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Merchant of Kappa VI | wolk | 1


Humanity has sure progressed a lot in the next millennium. Interstellar warp engines were invented, humans have spread through the galaxy, populating over a thousand different star systems. But with progress, came decay.

The Federation is what remains of the old democratic way of life. On federal planets social democracy rules, justice often prevails and people live more or less in harmony with each other. But majority of the settled worlds are independent. Ruled by dictators, large local corporations, or in some cases by whoever has the biggest gun, these worlds are a far cry from utopia. Almost everything there can be bought and sold, including drugs, weapons and humans. Justice there is always harsh, but rarely just.

Such is the world in the year 3003. The world you - - call your own. You own a private spaceship - the Patient, which puts you into a somewhat wealthy and respected class of small merchants, who have enough money to get almost anything they may personally desire, but not quite enough to have influence in matters of politics.

You lay on the bed in your very own villa on the distant world of Kappa VI. The planet is quite similar to Earth, courtesy of modern terraforming technology, although instead of the yellow Sun, there is a larger star, flooding the whole world with reddish light.

You stand up, stretching your muscles and put on a soft robe. You take a quick shower, and just as you re-enter your bedroom, the door slides open and your servant girl comes in. For all legal intents and purposes, Xabel is your slave, but you like to refer to her as a servant and never force her to do anything she doesn't want. Perhaps part of the reason is that you don't have to. The little girl is very submissive, tending to your every wish happily. She is rather small, with a thin waist and perky B-cup breasts. Her black hair is straight, shoulder-length. Although Xabel's records indicate she is 19, she hardly looks it. Right now, she is wearing a tight blue coverall-like suit, which tightly hugs every little curve of her body. You can even see the outlines of her nipples poking against the ultra-thin fabric.

Xabel sets the tray she way carrying onto a coffee table and treats you with the most beautiful smile. "Good morning, Master. I made you an all-natural cereal with natural fruit for breakfast." You finish the delicious breakfast, while Xabel briefs you on the night's news. You could have a robot read it to you, you could even customize its settings so it would know what stories you want to hear and which ones you don't care about, but you prefer to hear it from Xabel. You've always been a bit old-fashioned. Finally, you are finished eating and thank Xabel. She smiles and nods politely. "I'm happy you enjoyed it, Master . Is there anything else I can do to make you happy?"


Stay with Xabel today or go outside, perhaps to another planet?

          Go downtown to the slave market.

          Stay with Xabel

          You get to work


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