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Restless Sleep | throbbin | 21


When Dani wakes up next morning she rolls over and kisses Chad. Then, as she runs her fingers over his chest she says "Mmmm - I feel great today. All my muscles are nice and loose."

Chad decides to tease her. "Is that good? I thought you were exercising to try and tighten them up."

That earns a swat from Dani. "No, the good kind of loose. All the tension is gone." Seeing the time she gets up and starts pulling on clothes. "Too bad I can't afford to be late today. Classes can really suck sometimes."

A bit of wetness alerts Dani to a little problem down below. "Cripe! How much did you cum last night Chad?" She tosses the panties away and takes care of her cream filling in the bathroom. Then Dani returns she finishes dressing quickly and bounds out the door. "Listen, I really have to run, but we have to do this again sometime soon. Just close up when you leave, OK?"

Dani spends the morning trying to concentrate but she finds her mind drifting again and again to that splendid fucking. In some ways it was even better than when she was drunk. Chad must have enjoyed it too from the expression on his face this morning.

The only problem Dani sees is that she has to pretend to stay asleep and that means she can't tell Chad to use a condom at the most dangerous time of the month. Sure, last night was safe and Chad has always been careful, but it's not like he keeps track. Dani doesn't want to break the illusion by calling a time out.

The pill is the most obvious answer. Dani's really been meaning to getting around to that for a while, but there was always something else to do and both she and Chad had been careful. This new feeling though - now that made going and getting things set up worthwhile!

Dani called up a clinic and managed to get an appointment the next day. Perfect! She would just have to be careful for a month and then she could let Chad fuck her bareback anytime. The hours sped away and soon Dani sat in the waiting room.

The nurse had already taken some samples for tests, so now she just had to see the doctor, hear her say "No reason you can't go on the pill" and get all the usual warnings like "Don't forget to take one each day". It seemed to take a long while before Dr. Conner called her into the exam room.

"Do you mind if I call you Dani?"


"Good, good. Just hop up on the table. Now . . . I find the best way is to just give people the news straight up."

"OK. Why? Is there some kind of problem?"

"You're pregnant."

"What! No, no, no! I, we - we've been really careful! We use condoms and they've never broken."

"I'm afraid we've already run the test twice. There's no doubt." Dani just sat there, slack jawed. "Could you raise your shirt?" She complies mechanically. After feeling Dani's belly Dr. Conner takes Dani's hand and presses it against her belly. "You feel that hardness there?"

"Oh my God. I thought I was putting on weight."

There were a number of questions about how she had been feeling over the last few months as well as her diet and any vitamins or medications Dani had been taking. Dani was getting a little worried when Dr. Conner finally said "That all sounds like good news. You've probably given the fetus everything it needs."

"If I can feel it . . . how far along am I?"

"I want an ultrasound to be sure, but you've definitely been pregnant at least two months, maybe more."

In a small voice Dani replies "No - I would be bigger, wouldn't I?"

"Not always. It depends on build, fitness and other factors. In some rare cases women have learned they are pregnant only when they go into labor."

"Oh God."

"That's very rare. I don't think you're anywhere close to that point. I can schedule you for an ultrasound tomorrow - we want to get a good look at the fetus."

Dani goes home in a daze. Pregnant? How did it happen?


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