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The Choice | bertsinger | 7


After some pondering, you reach your own conclusion and speak up with a decisive voice. "With all the honesty going around, I think it's time for a big confession..." Pausing for effect, you see Amy and Craig looking at you in wonderment about the forthcoming revelation. Erica is still deeply relaxed from how you've been caressing her and handling her sweet spots to properly comprehend what you just said—she hasn't played an active part of this conversation for a while now. Hell, she hasn't even reacted to the last few times her name has been mentioned.

In an effort to grasp her attention, you simultaneously tweak her clit and one of her nipples, leading to an adorable yelp of near-orgasmic pleasure from her end. Craig and Amy simply stare, not affected by this in the slightest and still just waiting for whatever you have to say. With Erica's breathing increasing slightly as you play with her to bring her back to reality, you whisper into her ear. "What I'm going to say next concerns you, too, so focus for the next few minutes, okay?"

"O-of course," she agrees through heated breaths, slowly recovering from the nirvana of sexual excitement you just generously placed her within.

Removing your hands from her chest and crotch, you proceed to take her hands and put them in her lap where you hold them yourself to ensure that she won't try to distract you from what you have to say. With your rambunctious cum-hungry slut of a cousin now under control, you look back to Craig and Amy and return to the heart of the matter. "Now, as I said, with all of the honest going around, there's something I feel you guys should know," you explain. "Rather, not you guys, per say, because one of you already knows it—Craig," you specify, staring your good friend in the eye like a man. "I think this may come as a big surprise to you, but as your friend of several years, I can't help but think that I should you let know about the huge crush Amy's got on me. Ever since the day she first laid eyes on me, she's been crushing over me even harder than you have over Erica." That was complete and utter bullshit, of course, but if all works as planned, it won't be any longer.

The two of them look at you, each other, then back to you again, Craig in total confusion and Amy in what seems to be embarrassment with quite the blush developing on her cheeks. Erica seems to be stifling a giggle at the turn of events, visibly amused by this shocking reveal.

In an attempt to form his thoughts into words, Craig is interrupted by an exclamation from his wife. "What, just because you have to be so obvious about your attraction to Erica you think people can't be subtle about their feelings?" Amy proclaims, quick to defend herself. "Well, it seems I haven't been subtle enough," she adds on while giving you a quick look, the red of her cheeks deepening. She switches back over to Craig. "Maybe you would have noticed it too if your eyes and thoughts weren't on Erica every time we've been here."

Amy has just admitted to having a crush on you ever since you first met—something that you know with absolute certainty could not be true at all. The love and affection Craig and Amy shared was one of the most intimate and sincere bonds you've ever seen, but after implanting that idea in their heads, it's now undeniable reality for them.

"Amy, don't be so harsh with Craig," you quickly interject, aiming to take the diplomatic route before the situation develops into an unwanted direction. "Guys aren't really known for being discreet. Honestly, it's the opposite. We can be pretty dense some times. As for you, Craig," you continue, showing equality and toggling your support to the other side. "Shouldn't you be glad that your wife has a crush on someone you can trust?"

He remains somewhat silent, unsure of how to respond. Not an issue, though. All he needs is a push. "Come on, Craig," you respond with positivity, cracking a smile. "How long have we known each other? You really think I'd abuse this deep-seeded infatuation that Amy's got going for me?"

"No, of course not, man!" Craig is quick to counter, distressed by your allegations. "I know you'd never do that."

"Then you've got nothing to worry about," you conclude, trying your best to tie things up nicely. Despite your efforts, however, the atmosphere has turned a bit sullen. Your best friend revealed that he's secretly been fantasizing about your cousin who's now your cumdumpster while his wife is convinced that she's had her eyes on you for a while now—only the former is actually true, but to them, it's all the same. Obviously, a revelation was like was bound to turn the air of the room just a bit sour.

Of course, that was your intention the whole time. It's the perfect set-up to seamlessly segue into what you're actually after.

"Alright, alright," you say with a laugh in your voice, shaking your head. "Since we all seem to be a bit on edge with today's news, I have a plan that should deal with this whole mess and get us all back to normal."

While you break to gather your last thoughts on this plan of yours, you see Amy looking at you with a dreamy expression. Equally, Craig's got a sudden look of expectation and hope on his face, as if both of them know what you're going to propose. Erica has moved her body sideways so she can look at you too, having watched the situation evolve with rapt attention.

"We'll turn brunch today into a double date, but we'll flip the playing field," you explain, sharing your master plan that you've been slowly working towards this whole time. "I'll take Amy as my date and Craig can have Erica. We won't stop there, though—afterwards, I'll spend the rest of the day with Amy and Craig will stay with Erica until another double-date tonight, that one being dinner at your place. When it's time for me and Erica to leave, I'll reclaim Erica as my slut and you can take Amy back as your wife."

Craig and Amy both slowly nod in unison, showing acceptance and agreement towards an idea that they would normally find terribly repulsive otherwise. "You'll both have an entire day to get any and all urges out of your system—especially you, Craig. I highly doubt you'll find a need to stare at Erica after you've spent today touching her body at your leisure and just letting it all out. You're free to do with her body as you please, save for two small rules: no permanent changes and no vaginal penetration. While I'm certainly happy to loan my slut to your for a day, you'll have to excuse me if I want to at least keep her pussy as my own personal territory."

"I wouldn't think of breaching our friendship like that," Craig confirms with an understand look on his face.

"Similarly, you two could come up with similar restrictions regarding my time with Amy, but I don't think you will. You two are getting the better of the deal by far, anyway, so it'd be unjust if you limited my actions, wouldn't you say?"

Amy looks to Craig with a fast nod, finding no flaws in your statement. "I don't think I would want you to you limit yourself anyway," Amy affirms with a seductive, almost sex-crazed giggle, clearly open towards having you do what you will with her.

"Thanks for your understanding," you sarcastically remark as if you were surprised to hear them agree to it. "Additionally, to make it a little fairer, can we agree that all of today's expenses will be your responsibility? That way, the whole thing would turn from a gigantic favor for the two of you into only a huge one."

"No skin off our backs," Craig responds, finalizing the deal.

"Awww," Erica half-jokingly whines, a smile appearing on her face as she nuzzles her head against you. "A whole day without John fucking me? This'll be difficult...well, so long as you fuck me lots and lots and cum a whole bunch all over my body once we're back together tonight, I won't have any issues being Craig's slut for today, I guess."

"Of course," you promise Erica. Truth be told, you were going to do that anyway whether she complained or not. "But don't act all sad and depressed around Craig just because he's not me, okay, Erica? Make sure to service him as best as possibly can. I have faith in you."

"John believes in me!" she says with an exuberant smile, turning her head briefly to give you several quick kisses on your cheek because nuzzling against it once again. "I'm so happy! Well, I certainly can't let you down then, huh, cuz?" she says to herself and you, looking towards Craig with fiery conviction and resolution valiantly burning in her eyes.

"In that case, I guess we should be going then, shouldn't we?" Amy says to you with everything sorted out. There's a wild gleam in her eyes telling you that you will probably be very, very busy with her for the next few hours. On the other side of the coin, Craig is looking at Erica with an almost manic gaze—you can't even begin to imagine how much of his cum is going to be dripping out of Erica's ass and mouth by the time you reclaim her at dinner.

With everything in order, it seems like the partner switch between you and Craig is ready to be initiated over brunch.


So how does it go?

          Getting ready for brunch


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