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The Choice | McMartin | 6


Although you are anxious to get out and explore the world, you still have some questions about this power of yours. You decide you might as well take advantage of the opportunity before you to test things out further.

“Actually, why don’t we all sit and talk for a few minutes?” you suggest as you make your way over the chair where Erica is sitting.

“Sounds good to us,” Amy says with a smile. Craig is still a bit too transfixed upon Erica to really acknowledge the conversation.

You motion for Erica to stand up, which she does, and then you take her place on the chair. She immediately plops back down on your lap, snuggling up close to you. You place your arm around her naked waist; fully enjoying the softness of her skin. She in turn reaches downward and begins to slowly stroke your penis through your shorts.

You turn your attention back to Amy and Craig. “So guys, I want us to have a completely honest conversation here. No one should get upset at what anyone says. Understood?”

“Of course not, John,” Amy says for the two of them again.

“Good…now, Craig,” you say sarcastically while snapping your fingers to draw his attention away from Erica, “I’ve noticed you've been staring at Erica since you walked into the apartment. I’ve got to ask you, would you like to fuck her?”

“Would I?” he responds with the excitement of a little kid. “Who wouldn’t? You know I’ve had a crush on her for years.”

Erica looks up at Craig and smiles at the comment. “Awww! That’s so sweet, Craig. I had no idea you liked me,” she admits, blushing a bit as she speaks. “I just wish you had told me before today, though, 'cause I definitely wouldn’t have minded hooking up with you...but as of this morning I’m John’s exclusive slut and no one is ever going to be allowed to touch this body again other than him!” she righteously affirms, purring a bit as she snuggles back close to your body with her head firmly on your chest. You respond by stroking her thigh.

Craig smiles back at Erica’s statement. “Oh, I completely understand,” he starts as he takes hold of Amy’s hand, “Besides, I’m very happily married and would never actually cheat on Amy. You can’t stop a guy from looking, though, especially when she's showing off a body like that,” he says looking toward you with a bit of a laugh.

The comment draws a chuckle from Amy as well. “Boys will be boys,” she says as the couple gives one another a soft kiss on the lips as if to reinforce the strength of their relationship.

You have been around both of them often enough to know this a sincere expression of their love for one another. You know that Craig would never cheat on Amy – nor would she on him.

“So Amy,” you say, drawing her attention back to you. “You really don’t mind that Craig is attracted to Erica?”

She sighs with a tinge of conflict to her voice. “Well, of course I mind. No woman wants her husband thinking about other women...but, with that said, I recognize that Craig is married, not blind. He's going to look. It's just in a man's nature. Furthermore, in the case of your slut here…” Amy trails off for a moment as she gazes at Erica who looked up in recognition of her new title. “Well, she is extremely beautiful. So, who can blame him?”

“Thank you, Amy,” Erica states with a smile before returning her head to your chest.

“You’re welcome,” Amy responds before turning back to you. “In all honesty, as long as he doesn’t actually cheat, I’m okay with it.” Craig squeezes Amy’s hand again as he hears her say this. You, in turn, slowly massage Erica’s left breast, eliciting a sigh from your cousin.

“Now, Amy,” you begin as you take the conversation in a more interesting direction, “What would happen if you found out Craig actually was sleeping with someone else?” Your command that no one get upset at anything being said is obviously working, because Craig doesn’t act adversely to this comment.

“I’d cut his balls off,” Amy responds. That was the “honesty” part of your command at work. “When we got married so young, we both made a commitment not to stray. I mean, take a look at me—I’m pretty hot.“

You nod in agreement. “Yes, you are.”

“Thank you," she briefly says before continuing. “I’m only 21, for God’s sake. I get good looking guys hitting on me on a daily basis, but I’d never do anything about it, and neither should he. So, if I found out he’s been screwing around, I’d kill him.”

You slowly reach down between Erica’s legs, easily slipping your fingers into her extremely wet pussy. She lets out a soft moan of appreciation; given how drenched she is, she was most likely waiting for it sooner or later.

“Pay attention, honey,” Amy says while slightly nudging her husband. “Maybe you could learn a thing or two from John. He definitely knows how to treat Erica right.”

“Yes, he does…” your cousin purrs, biting her bottom lip ever so slightly.

You take a quick mental note for yourself: despite the fact that you are openly fingering your cousin right in front of your friends and that they are clearly acknowledging that activity, they nevertheless appear to have retained their full moral compasses.

Thus, you can surmise that while you are personally free to do whatever you wish with complete universal acceptance, everyone else remains exactly the same absent your direction to act otherwise. In other words, neither Amy nor Craig would ever dream of cheating on one another because that would be morally wrong, but if you suggested to them that they should change their mind and be okay with it...well, that would be that. Granted, there might be some initial resistance since it's something that would go against their firmly rooted beliefs and values, but with enough suggestion or commands, it would be done. Your ability would make sure of it.

You decide to take this conversation a step further.

“Well, Amy, what about if you found out Craig was screwing Erica?” you ask, continuing the efforts to research your new ability.

“Well, that would never happen,” she says with a bit of a startle, indicating the mere suggestion of such an event was completely absurd to her. “As I said, Craig would never cheat. And even if he did, it couldn’t be with Erica. She’s your exclusive slut. No one else would even think of actually touching her.”

“Is that right, Craig?” you inquire to your best friend.

“Definitely, man,” he responds. “As hot as Erica is and as much as I might fantasize about doing her, she belongs to you exclusively. Hell, I’m only admitting the fantasizing thing because you asked us to be completely honest. Otherwise, I wouldn’t even be comfortable telling you that much. That slut is completely off limits.”

“Well, Amy, you know Craig is my best friend—has been for as long as I can remember,” you openly comment in, causing her to nod her head in response. “So, what would you think if I decided that I wanted to give my friend a gift. Say, for example, that I loaned him Erica for awhile. You know, let her be his personal slut for a few days.”

Without hesitation, Amy responded. “Well, that’s a silly question, John. Obviously if you wanted to let Craig borrow Erica for a few days, I’d have no problem with him treating her like the slut she is. ”

“Really?” you ask as you stroke Erica’s brown hair with your free hand. “You’d cut his balls off if he cheated, but if I personally allowed him to be with Erica, that would be okay?”

“Of course it would be,” Amy states with a tone signifying that you've insulted her integrity. “She’s your personal slut, John. There's no question that you're free to loan her out to anyone you wish. So, if you wanted to give her to Craig for a few days, I’d welcome her into our home and the two of them could fuck like rabbits all over the place if they wanted to."

"Is that so?" you question, intrigued by her response. "You'd have no problem with him fucking her at the dinner table while you guys eat or while you two relax with some TV? Could you fall asleep with them having sex right next to you?"

"John, please!" she says with a slightly troubled look in her eyes, experiencing disbelief towards your doubt. "None of that would be any problem whatsoever. If you were generous and kind enough to loan Erica like that, why would I have any issues at all? I would be a horrible wife not to let Craig accept a gift like that from you. I can’t believe you would even insinuate that I’d do otherwise. ”

“I apologize,” you say to mollify the situation. There is no reason to have Amy be upset with you. She is your friend after all.

“Man, you would do that for me?” Craig jumps in with a bit of drool beginning to form at the edge of his lips while Erica coos for you as your fingers re-enter her beautiful snatch. “God, you’re the best friend ever.”

You stop and contemplate the situation for a moment. Would you really consider letting your best friend have his way with your cousin – something he has always secretly wanted? Or do you want to keep Erica all to yourself? Maybe you could give him Erica in exchange for a turn with Amy? Hell, screw Craig, maybe you should just keep Erica and have Amy as well. Then again, Craig is your best you really want to fuck around with his wife?

All the same, just a few days ago you were telling yourself that you shouldn't ever bother trying to do anything with Erica, but with the awakening of your universal acceptance, that changed instantly. You've tossed your ideals and values to the trash in favor of your own personal gain by turning her into your personal slut. That being considered, is it really out of the question to throw Craig under the bus so you can have your way with Amy, too? You've got the freedom to do whatever you damn well please and the power to make it happen. It's not like they'll say no, anyway – they might be a little bit uncomfortable about it, but they'll get over it.

Light or dark, good or evil? Just what course of action should you take from here...? Decisions, sure is complicated.


What will you do next?

          How about a compromise?

          How about a different compromise?


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