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The Choice | McMartin | 5


You stand for a moment marveling at your cousin with a permanent grin upon your face. Your mind begins to wander over all the possibilities that “universal acceptance” is going afford you. It is only the sound of your doorbell ringing that brings you back into focus.

“You want me to get that, cuz?” Erica asks.

“No, I’ll get it,” you respond, recognizing that having your fully naked cousin answering the door may not be taken well by whoever was on the other side.

You grab your shorts, quickly pull them back on, and then, as the doorbell rings for a second time, you head out back to the main entrance of your apartment. After quickly checking yourself in the mirror to make sure you are presentable, you take a deep breath and open the door.

On the other side you are greeted to the smiling faces of your best friend Craig and his wife Amy. “You look surprised to see us,” Amy says with a small laugh. “You forget we were getting together for brunch today?”

Craig has been your best friend since grammar school. You have been through a lot together over the years. Amy came into the picture just a few years ago. Craig and she had met at some college party, fallen for each other instantly and had eloped only a few months later. It had been a bit quick for your tastes, but they did seem to love one another, which is all that really mattered. And what wasn’t there to love? Amy was absolutely beautiful—a classic girl next door look, she was 5'6" with blonde hair, 34C breasts, a 25 inch waist and 34 inch hips.

While you never would have ever dreamed of hitting on Amy due to your friendship with Craig, it would be a lie to say that you had never masturbated to her in the past. She was definitely a regular cast member in your sexual fantasies.

“Sorry guys, its been a crazy morning,” you finally respond to the brunch question. The truth was, you had definitely completely forgotten about having agreed to get together.

You start to ask the couple to give you a few moments to get properly dressed to go out, but are interrupted by Craig’s jaw dropping and Amy startled utterance: “Erica, what the hell?”

Turning around, you see Erica, still in her birthday suit, walking toward you. “Oh, hey guys. John didn’t tell me the two of you would be stopping by. What’s wrong?” she responds as she places her arm around your waist.

Craig remains speechless with his mouth open. As your best friend, he has also known Erica for years, and you are well aware that he has long had a crush on her. Who wouldn’t?

“Ummm, did you forget something, Erica?” Amy retorted back with clear disgust in her voice.

Erica looked at you with full confusion and then, with complete innocence in her voice, returned to Amy: “No, I don’t think so. What you are talking about?”

“Uh, your clothes? What the hell are you doing?” Amy counters and looks at her husband’s blank expression for the first time. “Damn it, Craig, avert your eyes or something.”

Erica smiles back at Amy. “Oh, my clothes, “ she says with a bit of a chuckle in her voice, “No...I didn’t forget them. John asked me to be his personal slut this morning, so I can’t wear clothes in the apartment anymore. I need to be ready and available for him whenever he wants,” your cousin explains very matter of fact like, as if being someone’s personal slut and walking around naked to fulfill that responsibility made perfect sense.

You were about to interject into this discussion, but before you could, Amy’s demeanor quickly changed from one of horror to one of complete acceptance. “Oh, thank god,” she says while laughing to herself. “I was afraid you’d lost all sense of sanity. Phew!” She slid her hand across her forehead as if wiping away sweat in order to emphasize her relief.

Amy then grabbed Craig's hand and led him into the sitting area of the apartment where they sat down on a couch. “So John, are we going to brunch or not? We can wait here and talk to Erica while you get ready.”

Amy looked over at Craig who was still practically drooling over Erica’s appearance. She punched her husband in the side eliciting an “ouch”.

“Stop staring at her,” she scolds, “Erica is John’s personal slut, not yours.”

“Sorry, honey,” Craig responds while giving you a quick smirk that you know means he's envious as hell at your situation. It definitely was not a look of disbelief however. “In your dreams,” Amy says making it clear Craig would never have such fortune.

You are completely in shock how this exchange just went from a dysfunctional disaster to one of apparent normalcy. It seemed that Erica walking around the apartment naked had been perceived as absolutely inappropriate until it had been explained she was doing so to meet your wishes.

Erica gives you a kiss on the cheek and then makes her way over to a chair situated directly across from the couch and sits down. “I’ll keep them company while you get ready,” she says back to you, “unless you want to join me here and have a quick fuck instead?”

Amy looks down at her watch and then looks back at you, “Yeah, we have plenty of time for you to fuck your slut if you want before we go,” she says. "We could even talk to her while you fuck her. I'm sure you could manage that, couldn't you, Erica?"

"Of course!" Erica says with a cute laugh and wave of her hand. "The life of a personal slut, right? I've got to be good at multitasking. I'll be having my pussy slammed by John and filled with his cum pretty much daily from now on, so naturally I'd like to get things done while it happens."

"That makes a lot of sense," Amy says with an understanding nod. "Alternatively, John, you could just bring her with us and do her on the way or while we eat,” she adds, suggesting another possibility for you to consider. "People might think it strange to see a girl being fucked in public, but I'm sure once you explain to them that she's your personal slut, they'd completely understand."

"I would certainly hope so," Erica agrees. "Being John's slut means he can fuck me whenever and wherever, so that would obviously include in public or otherwise. I'm sure people will be fine with it, though."

"Right," Amy concludes. "Well, John, it's up to you," she states with a casual glance in your direction, ready to hear your decision. "Do you want to fuck Erica here, at brunch, or both? Whatever you want."

Whatever you want indeed! Does a quick fuck with Erica in front of your friends sound good? Maybe you should give Amy a try? Or maybe you have something completely different in mind. Regardless, this is turning out to be a very interesting day.


So what do you want? A quick fuck or something else?

          A little bit of conversation first

          No. You need to get ready, right?


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