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When The Cat's Away | zack12 | 5


Stuart stuck his head above water and let out a loud "Whooo!"

Kevin, laying on his belly on his board, paddled towards him.

"Dude, that was awesome!" said Kevin, appreciatively. "I thought you were going to ride that wave all the way to the moon."

Stuart retrieved his board and climbed out of the water. "When I wiped out, I nearly lost my boarders," he said, tying up his shorts. "I nearly mooned everyone on that wave."

Kevin grinned. "At least you don't have to worry about getting your ass burned again like when we went to that nudist beach last year. You've got a good protective tan all the way down now."

Stuart nodded appreciatively. "Yeah, I learned my lesson the hard way. And it's just my luck to have found that chick who's into spanking AFTER I had second-degree burns on my buns."

"Yeah, but you have to admit she was worth it. Who would have guessed they even make strap-ons with built-in cameras? I still use that close-up of your sphincter as my background on my phone."

Stuart laughs. "Yeah, but what's your mom going to say if she borrows your phone and sees my rosebud on it?"

"She'll probably say, 'Oh, when is Stuart going to spend the night again? I want to see if his penis ever got to join in with the rest of his growth spurt.'"

"Yeah, right... Your mom knows my penis was the first part of me to grow. She used to change my diapers, after all, and she hasn't been satisfied by any schlong she has seen since."

"She might like it more if you could get it to tan like the rest of your bod. It looks like someone attached an albino's prick to you."

"Yeah, well, to get a tan, you have to be exposed to the sun. When this bad boy comes out, there's a waiting list a mile long to try it out. It's hard to get it to tan when it's always inside someone's hot, wet orifice."

"Not to mention when you have your hand wrapped around it, blocking the light as you jerk off to fantasies about having a cock like mine."

"In the first place, even if I used both hands, that still leaves more than half of ths python to soak up the rays, and in the second place, I could have a cock like yours any time I wanted... I'd just need some bolt cutters and a willingness to take ten inches off."

They laugh, each one quite pleased with his own package and fully appreciative of the abilities of the other's.

The boys reach the shore, and Kevin glances at the water. "Looks like the waves are dying down for now. Wanna rest for a bit?"

"Sure. Too bad Gary has the Beast. We could grab a nap in the back."

"Nap? You mean you actually sleep in that thing? The only times I've seen you back there, you have your fuckface on, saying such charming things as, 'Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum! Oh fuck!!!!'"

Kevin's body convulses as he acts out a powerful orgasm, and he drops on the sand, writhing in mock ecstasy. Both boys start laughing so much that they don't notice the woman's presence until she speaks.

"I'm going to have to take up surfing, if that's what it does to you."

They look up, surprised to see a woman in her mid-forties watching them. She is dressed in a sexy bathing suit that shows off a well cared for body. The guys straighten up and approach her.

"Um... sorry about that," said Kevin. "We didn't see you."

"Don't worry about it," she said dismissively. "I've been watching you surf. It's fun to see two sexy guys enjoying themselves."

Stuart asked, "How long have you been watching us?"

"Long enough to see you almost lose your suit on that last wave. Nice tan, by the way... Why didn't I see a tanline in the back?"

Kevin is surprised by her boldness, but Stuart lives for this sort of thing and spoke up immediately. "I work hard at my tan as a public service. It's like the artistic presentation of a gourmet dish -- it isn't enough that it tastes good; it needs to impress the eyes, too."

She smiles and looks at Kevin. "And does your tan impress the eyes, too, are are you just delicious?"

Before Kevin can answer, Stuart jumps in. "Kevin has a bit of a handicap. Redheads burn so easily, so he tends to keep his buns covered, except around fluorescent lighting."

"Hmmmm.... I have fluorescent lights in my hotel room," she replied casually. "I'm Monique, by the way."

The guys introduce themselves in return and learn that she is a widow, on vacation with her son and daughter, who are off on their own adventures. Both of the guys feel themselves getting turned on by this sexy woman, but they are unsure about the next move.

Should they follow up on the comment about the fluorescent lighting, offer to teach Monique how to surf, or just visit and flirt some more?


What do they do?

          Back to Monique's to shower, maybe?


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