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The Super | GoodSon | 2


You decide to unpack your few belongings and make yourself at home first before you explore the rest of the building. The apartment isn't really much more then a single room that is divided into different sections by furniture and curtains. The kitchenette section of the apartment is dominated by an old antique refrigerator that looks like something out of the 1950's and seems to make a continuous clanking noise. Next to the world's oldest refrigerator is a small two burner stove that looks like it was cleaned sometime during the last decade. The counters and cupboards are painted a rather sickly shade of yellow and none of the doors seem to hang staight on their hinges.

Opening one of the cupboards you find a ring of keys as well as a list of tenants. Looking through the list quickly you notice that out of the fifteen apartments in the building only three are now vacant, hopefully out of the twelve occupied units there wouldn't be much call for you. You noticed that beside three or four of the names someone had made a rather indecipherable notation in sloppy handwriting. You spent a few minutes trying to figure out what the notes meant before giving up, whoever wrote that must have the worst handwriting in the world you think to yourself before you toss the list onto the counter and continue to explore your new place.

The main part of the apartment seems to be set up as your living/bedroom area. A large threadbare sofa sits against one wall, a battered end table holding a small television set beside it. An old army cot sit against the opposite wall, the mattress lumpy and covered with stains that you'd really rather not know the origins of. On the wall above the cot is a rather new looking intercom system set into the wall. As you inspect the intercom system you notice that it also doubles as a message recorder for when your not around.

The bathroom is a small closet off the living room, with just enough room in it for the shower, toilet and sink. Luckily it seems to be cleaner then the rest of the apartment.

It only takes you a few minutes to unpack the few belongings that you brought with you. That was the only benefit of spending so much time sleeping on other people's couches, you learned to pack light. Now you wonder what to do with the rest of your day.


Now What?

          watch some television


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