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A High School Adventure | MausAss | 20


You close your eyes for just a second; thinking that you're not going to fall asleep. You let your hand rest on Shannon's right side breast as you wait for her to fall asleep. You begin to forget your troubles as you feel completely relaxed. Cuddling with someone before falling asleep is the best...

Suddenly all hell breaks loose, you open your eyes and you see a large man standing by the bed. Fuck you've must've fallen asleep, the man is obviously Michael and you think that this must be one of the worst first impressions any guy has ever made on his girlfriend's dad.

"I'm gone for one weekend and you're already sleeping around? After twenty-one year of marriage you throw it away…Oh god he's only a teen," Michael screams.

You look over at Shannon and she got a really confused look and you can understand her as she thought that she had slept with Michael. She looks down at her crotch and suddenly gets a horrified look. You don't have much time to say anything as Michael grabs you and start yelling curses at you.

"Get out of my room, you fucking baby, she's old enough to be your mother for Christ sakes."

Michael is a big guy and he's in great shape, you barely have time to grab your clothes before he throws you out of the room. You see Stephanie looking out from her room; she must've woken from all the commotion. Michael is coming after you and a hysterical Shannon is trying to explain that she thought she had sex with him and not you, but he's not listening on that ear.

"," Stephanie says sounding half asleep.

You see how Michael stops moving when he hears who you are. He looks absolutely furious.

"You’re ?" He screams at you.

"I," is all you mange to say before you get cut off.

"Get out of my house you filthy piece of shit!"

"But daddy I love him," Stephanie shouts at her father, she’s probably not realizing that you just had sex with her mother.

He pays no attention to Stephanie as he forces you down the stairs.

"Daddy stop, what did he do?" you hear Stephanie shouting after her father.

"I should kill you for this, but you're not worth it. If I ever see you anywhere near Stephanie or anyone else in this family you will not live a day to regret it. Now get out of here and stay away from Stephanie, I will find out if you don't,"

This time he doesn't scream, but the low calm voice he's using now is more terrifying than any screaming he did before. You see Stephanie running down the stairs, with her tears running and confused look on her face.

“Daddy, I might be pregnant with his child,” Stephanie screams. “We love each other; he told me he loved me,” Stephanie continues.

You see the panic on Michael’s face, he is clearly at loss. On one hand he wants to throw you out, on the other hand if Stephanie is pregnant you have to be involved in her life somehow. You scramble for the door, happy that your still got all your limbs intact.

“Wait,” Michal says and you stop halfway out the door and turn around.

Stephanie runs up and clings on to you, almost shielding you against her dad.

“What did he do?” Stephanie screams at her dad, she still hasn’t figured out what happened.

Michael gives you a look full of hate, still trying to figure out what he should tell his daughter. Telling what you did will break her heart and if she thinks he’s lying or that her mother seduced you it might even break the family. You see Shannon coming down the stairs and she doesn’t look as mad as you thought she would. She looks mad, but there’s something more to it than just anger. Michael gives her one look before deciding what to say.

“Nothing, he did nothing honey,” he says and you feel yourself relax. “It was just a misunderstanding.”

“I still don’t understand, what happened ?” Stephanie says, this time directing the question at you.

You’ve managed to put your pants on, but you’re still holding your shirt in your hand and smell a bit of sex, but Stephanie doesn’t seem to have picked up on it. You try to thing up a good answer when you hear Michael’s voice again.

“Did you cum inside my daughter against her will ?” Michael says sounding really scary.

“He didn’t he wanted to pull out, but I forced him to cum inside. We love each other just like you and mom do. She got pregnant the first time too.” Stephanie comes to your rescue.

“Is that true?” Michael asks and you nod. He doesn’t seem too pleased, maybe he wanted an excuse to kick you out and you can’t really blame him for that.

“How can you be so stupid Stephanie?” Stephanie looks really sad at her dad’s scolding. “We can talk about that later honey, right now I need to talk to your boyfriend alone,” Michael says sounding a bit sorry towards Stephanie.

Stephanie gives you a look and you assure her that it’s okay and she leaves you alone with her parents. You feel anything but okay, you can see in Michael’s eyes just how little he thinks of you. There is some distance between Michael and Shannon and you know that you’re the cause.

“What do you have to say for yourself?” Michael says and you feel that is directed just as much to Shannon as it is to you.

You’re not sure what you should answer; maybe you could convince Michael that is was a misunderstanding, but Shannon would be catch your lie. Confessing doesn’t seem like a great idea either; maybe you could try to convince him that Shannon seduced you or tricked you or something. They all seem like bad options, but you have to choose one unless you make a run for it.


What do you tell them?


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