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Green Mask in 'A Spell Gone Right' | Nottoogood | 1


A truck full of dynamite.

Well it’s not how you would do it but to each his own. You’re actually quite annoyed with the stocking-wearing thugs pouring into the newly made hole in the side of the bank. A visiting diamond exhibit like this could usually be counted on to bring out the upper crust of thieves. Here you are in the pouring rain watching amateur hour in the street below, the sensors in your masks heads up start running the plates on the truck.

“Come on guys, you used your own truck?” You groan out loud. There’ll be no challenge in this. Part of you wants to just sit back and leave these guys to someone else but the thought of a multi million pound super suit being used to just peep on these guys getting a beating from Wolverine or someone is nothing short of creepy. The thugs run out of the bank, alarm blaring, carrying duffel bags. At least they left the burlap sacks with dollar signs at home.

“Come on dude! That one’s not even wearing a mask!” you feel like shouting out. That does it, you feel like dishing out some damage just on principal, after all, running around all half-cocked with shotguns,these lads could hurt themselves you think with a smirk and then leap from the roof edge.

You hit the street, the tarmac crumpling from the impact, the suit drinking up the kinetic force and sending shock-wave flying out from around you. The maskless thug is thrown through the air, his bag spilling dollar bills as his partners wheel round to face you, shotguns raised in alarms.

“Evening lads. You boys ever read a comic book? Because that would help speed this up”

The only response to your quip is a hail of gunfire; you hear the metallic pinging of the buckshot bouncing off your suit. You take off using the street’s parked cars as cover as they continue to unload on you. Your steps fall silently but quickly on the concrete pavement as your long leather trench coat trails behind you. With a press of a button on your wrist console you begin to blend into the scenery, your stealth mode engaged. Clearing the line of vehicles you take aim at the ringleader who’s barking orders to the others. He’s interrupted as a blast of focused sonic energy hits him square in the chest winding him and knocking him to the ground. The brief confusion of the other thugs is all you need to get within striking range of the others, a black gloved fist catches an unprepared jaw with a right cross which leads seamlessly into a high round house kick to finish him.

You’re feeling (maybe justifiably) pleased with yourself until you feel a sledgehammer like blow you your shoulder. The shot sends you reeling forward, your form flickering in and out of camouflage as you make a mental note to not be so bloody cocky until all the villains are down next time.

“Stay down, freak.” You hear as the robber without a mask bears down on you, a worryingly expensive looking military shotgun, pointed at you, smoke still swirling around it’s barrel.

“YOU!?” You groan as you hold your wounded shoulder “You bring armor piercing buckshot to a heist but leave your mask at home! No offense mate but you need a word with yourself.”

“Limey bastard. You should have stayed at home.” The man snarls aiming the shotgun.

“You too” you reply as thousands of tiny micro emitters in your suit light up bathing your would be executioner in a blinding flash of light, he shouts and reaches to cover his eyes giving you time to blast him point blank with the blast you’ve been charging since he bushwhacked you.

With the gunmen down and the pain in your shoulder becoming more than just an annoyance as you come down off the adrenaline you reach for the clasp under your chin and with a hiss you pull your face-plate free. The chilly night air is refreshing after your exertions. You take a look at the jade mask impressed at how little damage the new material sustained in the scrap. You fall back onto the floor and laugh to yourself, partly because your suits medical protocols have just given you something for your gun shot wound and also because regardless of what (your now crumpled in a pile) cousin from across the pond said, you could never have this much fun back home in London.

You're basking in the moment is cut short as you hear the static and crackle in your ear piece announcing the long overdue police response, couple that with a few other heroes who may not like you on their turf and it’s time you were on your way. Still you feel like you've had a productive night. A Couple of downed goons, a robbery foiled and a fairly successful test run of your suits new upgrades. You smile as you get back to your feet. Not a bad night for…

“Green Mask, I presume” you hear a feminine voice say from behind you just before something hits you in the back of the head.


Who got the drop on you?


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