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A High School Adventure | MausAss | 18


"Okay," you say, you had a good time with Stephanie and you want to see her again tonight.

"Okay, okay as in you will meet my parents tonight, for dinner?" Stephanie is bursting with anticipation.

"Yes, I'll meet your parents tonight."

Your hear a happy screak from Stephanie and you feel her hug you tightly, obviously pleased with your response. She gives you a kiss, with a bit more tongue than you expected in such a public place. You kiss her back, but she suddenly realize all the people around you and quickly breaks the kiss.

"I'll see you tonight ," Stephanie says.

She keep turning around and waving at you the whole way to her car and you just stand there watching her go like an idiot. It's not until she's in the car that you realize that you should probably get home too.

Later that night at home. You try to put on some nice clothes that both suits your style and that Stephanie's parents would like and drive to her place. You ring the door and Stephanie opens it.

"You look like a dork, what happened to you?" she says and gives you a kiss on the mouth.

Crap, so much for the clothes, still her parents might like it. You're not used to meeting the parents and you got just the reputation that all parents hate. The only girlfriend's parents you've met before were Alexis's, but back then you were hardly considered a player.

"My dad's flight got delayed, but he's going to be here later."

You know her father used to play football and is a pretty big guy, so you're thankful he's not here. Meeting just her mom will probably be easier. You walk in, with less confidence than you usually do and Stephanie can sense it.

"Don't worry; they're going to love you," she says as she gently taps your arm, "of course after I told them how you’ve been with a lot of girls and haven't had a steady girlfriend for almost two years, they got a bit worried."

"What?" you say, feeling more nervous than ever. You curse her for being so open with things, she should know that these are the kind of things that you don't tell your parents.

"I told them all about you and how you changed when you met me," she says.

You’re not convinced yourself that you’ve changed and if you were her parents you wouldn’t be either. People just don’t change overnight.

"Hi you must be ."

You see a beautiful woman; she looks like an older copy of Stephanie and Nicole. Stephanie has told you that she's 41, the same as her dad, but she definitely looks younger. She's not quite as petite as her daughters, but she is thin and seems to be in great shape. Her boobs are probably around the same size as Stephanie's, a b-cup in other words. You make a mental note that Nicole got the biggest breasts in the family. Stephanie’s mom simply looks amazing for her age or any age for that matter. She puts out her hand for you to shake.

"Hi I'm Shannon," she says and you recognize the voice you heard screaming out "Oh Michael" last Friday. She got a very sexy voice and she just oozes of sex.

"Hi I'm , nice to meet you," you say as you shake her hand.

Shannon has prepared a very nice dinner, she explains that Michael had called again and he would be even more delayed. He would be home before midnight though. There were some problems with his plane and they were waiting for another plane to take them instead or something you don't really care, you're just thankful that you don't have to spend the evening with him.

The conversation is a little stiff in the beginning, but as the evening progresses you start to relax. You get some questions about your past from Shannon, but overall you think you did okay answering them. Stephanie whispers to you that her father is the stricter one. You kind of figured since her mom seems really easy going.

It starts becoming a bit late and tell Stephanie that you're about to leave. She begs you to stay so her father can meet you. You hesitate at first thinking that this is a great opportunity to not meet her father. When she promises to make it up to you, you give in and sit down with her on the couch waiting for her dad to arrive. Shannon seems to appreciate that you stay too, saying what a gentleman you are.

She then goes on to tells you how Michael he beat up one of Nicole's ex-boyfriends for being disrespectful towards her. You almost shit your pants before you realize that she was joking. Stephanie gets a bit mad at her mom, but she can't help but laugh a bit and tease you for being such a pussy.

Shannon finally gives in and says that she's going to bed, leaving you alone with Stephanie. You try to convince her that a quickie or a blowjob is a good idea, but she's having none of it. You know that having your cock deep inside Stephanie's pussy or mouth is probably not the best way to meet her father for the first time, so you understand her reasoning. You even have a hard time convincing Stephanie to make out. You kiss a little, but nothing more than that, instead it ends with her snuggling up against you and then it doesn't take long before she's sleeping. She looks really cute, but you're not sure what you're supposed to do now.

Suddenly you hear Stephanie’s phone, you pick it up and see that it's her dad. Stephanie has heard it too and has woken up and takes the phone and answers.

"Hi dad," she says. "Yes he's still here"

"Dad says hi," Stephanie says to you.

"At two?... yeah okay dad I understand...Yes I'll tell her...Good night dad, I love you too."

Stephanie looks a bit sad.

"He won't make it, the plane got even more delayed and he won't be home until two. Remind me tell mom if she's still awake, sometimes she likes to wait up until dad gets home," she says as she lets out a huge yawn.

She snuggles up against you once more and you start to make out, no longer afraid that her dad will surprise you. You quickly get a huge boner from having your tongues play. You let your hand touch her firm breasts, but Stephanie seems more tired than horny and soon she is once again sleeping.

You curse at your bad luck, before you realize that didn't have to meet her dad and take it all back again. You lift her light body and carry her up to her room, removing her clothes leaving just the panties on. You take a look at her amazing titties, even kissing her right boob’s nipple before you put a cover over her. A part of you want to put out your cock and masturbate all over her, but you don't instead you put a blanket over Stephanie, before kissing her forehead.

You leave the room, wondering why you didn't at least try waking her up before leaving. As you walk past her parents’ bedroom you hear Shannon's voice.

"Michael is that you?"

You remember that Stephanie wanted you to remind her to tell her mom that her dad would be late; telling Shannon that Michael's late might earn you some extra points. You open the door, but before you get a chance to say anything Shannon has already started talking.

"Thank god you're back; you've been gone all weekend leaving your poor wife all alone. I've been rubbing myself to sleep every night thinking of your long hard shaft. Tonight mommy needs the real thing," Shannon says with a voice that oozes of sex.

She obviously thinks you're Michael. You realize that she can only see your silhouette and considering that you're of similar stature you can certainly understand her mistake. You already hard from your make out session with Stephanie, but hearing Shannon talk about wanting your cock inside her is making you even harder.

You really want fuck her or Stephanie, or just about anyone considering how horny you feel right now. A part of you want nothing than fuck the crap out of her, not worrying if she'll find out or not. That's the little brain talking, your big brain knows that it could lead to all kind of shit if she found out, which would probably be as soon as she started touching you. A silhouette is one thing, a body of flesh and bones another. Still your little brain is making a convincing case.


Do you pretend you're Michael? Tell her the truth? Do you try to sneak back to see Stephanie?

          Quickly set her right

          Pretend you're Michael and give her what she wants


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