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Taking What I Want | Uranger | 10


You not that kind of guy that break promises, but that doesn't mean you are not going to enjoy all the pussy you can without breaking her cherry

"Relax, Slut! I promised to not break your cherry and Ill not. Just stay still or I'll do it accidently. But I'll come inside you, damned whore, without breaking rules of your fucking religion. "

You start to jerk your dick while tip of it is squashed by her hot virgin twat... It's far, far more enjoyable than regular fapping, partly because you start to feel how 's body starts to betray her and produce juices, partly because you can enjoy the sight of her naked body but mostly because of the sweet revenge you have. Punishing that stupid bitch for cockteasing you for no fucking reason but 2 thousand year-old fairy tale

Soon you come, come inside her body, spraying that hymen with your juice... You know that if it lets blood out, it lets semen in, so maybe you just knocked her off... and that arouses you even more
", you are now like fucken Virgin Mary! I think it's how she got a son" You laugh and push sobbing, but clearly aroused girl, away. " It's a 21th century and you believe in all that religious shit. Should you be normal I would be happy to have you like my girlfriend. I'd be romantic, gentle and stuff, but you preferred to cock tease me. My patience isn't limited, so don't blame for getting what I deserve. Now get out, I'll find a normal girlfriend, not a prude like you"


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