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Life of Temptation | Uranger | 9


Maybe you will regret it later, but you are way too horny to stop now, with those knockers crushing your prick. Instead you push them harder, Justine will have bruises on her delicate cleavage but you couldn't care less feeling as close as you are to reaching the heights of pleasure. So close now. You can cum on her face, but instead you see an opportunity for a blow job and you don't want to miss it.

"Open your mouth, bitch!!" You don't get an answer beyond some soft sobbing. You repeat it louder along with a slap across her face, increasing the physicality of your assault. "Open your mouth, whore! Its part of your debt!" This time she submits, and you waste no time grabbing her hair and jamming your precum-covered dick deep in her throat.

Her attempts to push you away with her hands, her muffled protests, her slurping sounds, and the vibrations of her throat bring you over the edge causing you to come as hard as you can. Adding to your pleasure is that Justine is forced to swallow almost all of it. Almost, because you produced so much seed that it actually came up through her nose creating a mess on her face.

Then you grab the girl that you orally raped, open the door and push her away, crying, half naked and with your semen on her face. Your revenge against Justine for all the taunting she gave you, now she'll know her place, she'll respect you.

Few minutes later you hear Lexi approaching the door "Bro, can I enter?"


Can she? Is she mad for what you did to her friend? How do you feel?


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