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Breaking The Paladin | Uranger | 6


" Raped you say!?

Marus growled,

"I'll show you what the word 'rape' means, paladin"

With one swift motion Incubus slapped pretty face of the paladin

"You want a foul beast?! I'll grant you a foul beast!"

Demon used his transformation powers and slowly turned to a large gray troll, 8 feets tall and with almost one feet long dick. Dick that Marus never hesitated to use. In one swift motion he entered into Mira's twat, giving not a pleasure but a pain this time. Even wet and sloppy entrance was unable to accept this oversized member without pain

Then cruel motions followed, he banged his monstrous dick deep inside as if he wanted to break the holy warrior apart. His clawed hands followed the suit and sharp troll claws created long bloody marks on the body of the captured servant of the Holy Sun Goddess... Mira's angelic face, her young breasts, flat stomach, everything was covered in blood very soon and screams of pain filled the throneroom, culminating with one final thrust and boiling hot semen entering fertile womb

Marus witnessed paladin's suffering and laughed enjoying paladin's struggling and pain. This troll was nothing but an illusion, while real Marus stood few meters back. No, demon is not an idiot to ruin a body like that, but this girl needs to get a lesson and learn to be grateful for pleasure he bring... He expected that this stubborn girl will beg to stop, but she endured everything, getting a bit more respect from the demon

With one snap of demonic fingers illusion, together with all pain it brought, dissipated and Marus questioned the paladin

"So, should I do this for real, or you will apologize? "


Is Mira still defiant?


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