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Power Fantasy | Uranger | 5


Name: Anna Korovina
Nationality: Russian
City of birth: Rostov, Russia
Abducted: Stockholm, Sweden
Age: 20
Height: 4'9"
Hair: Red
Eyes: Brown
Occupation: Unemployed
Status: Never Married, Single
Sexuality: Hetrosexual
...Measurements 32B-22-31
Sexual experience: Extensive

You are Anna, a petite girl with a rich sexual experience. You always liked sex, it's fun, it's good, it helps to get things you want. For example a nice tourist trip to Stockholm, bought to you by one of the rich idiots you are fooling around with

And it was fun, up to the point when you were attacked by a stranger in one of the quieter streets of the Swedish capital. He pushed a smelly rag in your face, you lost conscious and awoken at...


Where you are?


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