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Power Fantasy | Uranger | 5


Name: Steven Richards
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Afro-American
City:LA, USA
Age: 28
Height: 6'6''
Eyes: Brown
Occupation: Policeman
Status: Widower
Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Penis size: 9 inches, very thick

You awoke as Steven Richards, gaining all his memories while retaining your own, that's quite fun feeling, you must say but took some time to remember main facts from your new biography. You are a well respected policeman. You married older, 30 year old woman seven years back that had 11 year old daughter, she died in car crash year later and you adopted Lisa and you happily lived together as father and daughter, or thanking to only 10 years difference in age, more like to good friends... As you become more accustomed to having two sets of memories, you remember how hot she is...


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