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The spanking chess club | Velios | 4


Alexis picks up her heart-shaped paddle and positions her chair on the stage to give everyone a nice view.

You're frozen in shock until Alexis speaks again, her voice cracking like a whip. "I said, 'drop the pants'!"

You stand up shakily, avoiding Kay's eyes as you undo your pants, letting them drop to the floor around your feet.

Alexis flashes you a devilish grin. "Underwear too."

Hands shaking, you pull down your underwear as well, hands instinctively covering your groin.

The crowd murmurs in amusement and approval at the show Alexis is having you give them, making you feel like you're about to die of embarrassment.

Alexis' cheeks seem flushed in arousal as she looks at you, her mouth curved up into a predatory smile. You shiver slightly, wondering what you've gotten yourself into.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Alexis pats her lap, giving you another wicked grin.

Might as well get it over with... You shuffle over to Alexis, trying not to give the crowd any more of a view than it's already gotten.

Blushing bright red in shame, you bend down and drape your body across Alexis' knees.

Smiling triumphantly at the crowd, Alexis gives your uplifted and exposed backside a light pinch between her finger and thumb.

"Nice ass." Though the comment is directed at you, Alexis speaks loud enough for the crowd to clearly hear, and a smattering of laughter breaks out.

The compere finally speaks, likely because you and Alexis are positioned correctly.

"The 15 minutes of spanking will begin in...5...4...3...2..."

You tense up as you feel Alexis settle one hand on your head, fingers intertwining with your hair and gripping tightly.


Alexis' heart shaped paddle makes a loud crack as it collides with your backside, hitting it so hard that you feel only numbness for a moment before a fiery pain blossoms on your ass-cheeks.

You let out a startled yelp, causing the crowd to laugh and call out encouragements (though you're not sure to who). You can hardly believe Alexis' swing packs so much of a wallop...she's smaller than you and doesn't seem especially muscular.

"It's in the technique," Alexis tells you smugly, evidently anticipating your thoughts. "If you give your wrist a good 'snap' at just the right moment..."

She 'demonstrates', and though you manage to hold back the yelp this time, you instinctively try to pull away from the spank, inadvertently grinding your limp member again Alexis' leg.

To your further embarrassment, despite the pain in your tush, rubbing your cock against Alexis' leg quickly cures it of its limpness, leaving your erection awkwardly pressed against Alexis' legs as she delivers more swinging swats to your rear.

The protrusion pressing into Alexis' leg obviously doesn't go unnoticed, and Alexis giggles.

"I guess losing wasn't too bad after all?"

It takes a bit longer, but the crowd soon notices your 'condition ' as well, cheering and laughter breaking out, along with calls of 'bad doggy!' and 'spank him harder!'.

Your ass burns with agony as Alexis complies with the second request, paddle leaving what feels like giant red hearts on your backside with every swing.

"Does it hurt?" Alexis takes on a tone of mock-sympathy. "Don't worry, only 3 minutes until you can give up."

It takes a moment for the math to work itself out in your head with all the pain you're in...2've only endured 2 minutes so far...


How do you hold up?

          It hurts like hell...


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