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Cheerleader's Initiation | Gokky | 7


Mr Abbas stood up and walked around to Miss Davies and sat on the desk facing her. She looked up to him desperately hoping her courage and resolve would endure. She had to stay strong for the sake of the white girls at the school; someone had to help keep those black boys off them or the school nursery wouldn’t be large enough to accommodate all the black babies.

‘I do understand your white concern’ the tall black assistant head teacher began, ‘but you don’t understand the relationships between the black boys and the white girls. It is mutually beneficial and one which you would benefit from too. I want the best for our pupils and a girl’s disadvantage in being white, weak and instinctively submissive, no longer means that she has to remain that way. At this school there is a steady supply of black boys who are willing to help the girls achieve importance and purpose. My parents and grandparents and my ancestors before them have battled against prejudice, discrimination and hatred from your white people. It is now time that we, the proud black people claim our inheritance and claim power and the country from the tired, discredited and waning white race. It is inevitable as we are stronger, we advance and we are innately superior to you in every single way. The boys offer the white girls an opportunity to join with us in our future and they accept unanimously. Every single white girl willingly and enthusiastically gives herself to us completely and each one is happy belonging to us. You wish to deny them this joy; you wish them to be denied their involvement in our future?’

Miss Davies was disorientated; he was sat on the desk no more than eighteen inches from her, his legs spread wide and his crotch confronting her. The bulge in his trousers promised a large, heavy, black and as yet relaxed cock, yet she visualised its potential. His words were disturbing but he was luring her with his presence and beauty. It would be easy for her to succumb. She imagined the bliss he could bestow on and in her; she imagined the exhilaration engulfing her by serving him. It was her resultant pregnancies that would ensue which roused her from her trance.

She stood up and moved away from his spellbinding bulge.

‘You suggest that a future of being fucked by black men and having lots of your babies as if they were brood mares is one that white women aspire to? You think that we drop our knickers at the promise of black sex? Why shouldn’t we choose white men? We have for thousands of years, why should we perform FOR and kneel before you? Your arrogance is astounding, we are separate races!’

She heard a noise outside and realised to her horror that the door was open and she glimpsed a girl walk past. The heated blonde closed the door and attempted to continue but the black man swiftly and gracefully stood facing her, inches away, enjoying her fervour.

‘Let me illustrate. And, if you are able to demonstrate resistance, I will attempt to persuade the male students who upset you so much, that they should refuse your white girls the pleasure they unmistakably embrace. Of course we shall inform the girls that it is you who has prevented them from having relations with black boys. I shall of course have to warn them that racism displayed by you has resulted in black boys’ attention being denied them. Such prejudiced behaviour is unfortunate when we consider the pleasure and happiness that you and they could enjoy. Black and white uniting, defeating intolerance and creating a society where bigotry is conquered and beautiful, gifted and proud black children can realize their vast potential supported by black and white, all this and you wish to prevent it.’

Miss Davies began to fluster, she did not wish to be known as racist; that would be a disaster. No white teacher could continue after that. She would be ruined. She weakened and the black man seized his opportunity.

‘Don’t move my beautiful white lover,’ he whispered and running his hand through her hair, he ran his tongue along her lips. His touch entranced her and she opened her mouth to allow him in. They kissed deeply and passionately; she allowed him to support her as her legs faltered. He held her tightly and enjoyed her mouth, she moaned with capitulation and devotion. She felt his hand under her skirt, she felt his hand in her knickers and then she felt his hand on her passionate cunt. Their lips parted and his whispered in her ear, she now unable to oppose him. ‘I want you, I have you, and I own you. You are MY white woman. I will transform your life and you will serve, will perform and will beg for black power’. Pulses of delight throbbed through her at each decree.

As she absorbed his commandment, his fingers entered her, expertly parting her lips, skilfully electrifying her clit. This and the delicate touch of his lips on her earlobe triggered the beginnings of the orgasm that he had intended for her. He did not plan to fuck her at this point; he merely aimed to plant within her the customary pining for black bonding latent in every white female. Once stimulated, she would be secured for black use.

The overcome woman had no defence; her ear was sucked and kissed and her cunt was caressed and stirred. He had done this countless times before and knew how to seize white women. They were all so easy, all so unable to withstand him, but each one was a triumph, each one caused him satisfaction. Each white girl and each white woman seduced by him and his colleagues was another brick in the wall of reparation. So, as she buckled, moaning and squirming, his fingers now soaked in her accessible and delighted cunt, he told her that she was now, ‘my bitch’. She kissed him and conceded that she was indeed, his bitch.

He had taken no more than a few minutes to destroy all her opposition and extinguish all her hostility to the black boys acquiring white girls. Now, rather than prevent it, she would be used to promote African seed.


Miss Davies is black owned

          Miss Davies has a task demanded of her


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