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The Slut Family | Acorn142 | 9


It didn't take much convincing before the kids were fully on board with the idea. From there, it was amazing how quickly the whole thing came together. In fact, just a couple of months later, the first episode was ready to be aired. 

For better or worse, the whole world was about to be introduced to....

THE SLUT FAMILY -- Episode One -- Introductions

"Tonight we bring you a new type of reality show about a very different type of family. Meet the Slutz family: Marsha, Candy, Aron, and Bryan. They may look like your typical family, but trust us -- there's nothing typical about what you are about to see."

The three children are seated around the kitchen table, finishing their lunch.

"I'm still not sure about this whole thing," says Candy, glancing awkwardly toward the camera. "Having my whole life recorded for everyone to see is kinda creepy. Even that camera in the bathroom was on this morning while I showered."

"That was probably just a test run," says Bryan, stuffing half of a sandwich in his mouth at one time. "I don't think they actually start recording anything until --" He glances at the clock. "Well, right about now, actually."

Candy looks disappointed. "So no one saw me this morning?"

Aron laughs, "I thought you said it was creepy!"

"It is... But I didn't say I wouldn't do it."

"Well, I think it's hot," said Bryan, reaching for more food. "This is our chance for fame and riches!"

Aron agrees. "Besides, it's only creepy if you're ashamed of what you're doing. Just be yourself and have fun!"

Candy looks doubtful. "But have you seen what they're calling the show? 'The Slut Family'! I don't want the whole world thinking I sleep with every guy I see!"

"Why would anyone think at?" asked Aron, rolling his eyes. "I'm sure your reputation for chastity will remain in tact, Sis."

"Did you talk to Vanessa about the show yet, Bro?" asked Bryan.

"Yeah... And you should have seen her! You know how she's quite the exhibitionist, anyway.... Well, as I was telling her about how everything -- and I mean EVERYTHING -- is going to be recorded, she about came right on the spot. All I have to do now is just mention that millions of people will be watching us, and she practically tears her clothes off and throws herself on me."

Bryan is momentarily distracted from his lunch and says, "Really? So... When is she coming over?"

"I'm surprised she isn't here already. She called Mom at 6:00 this morning, wanting to make sure she had the time right for when this all starts."

"Say, where IS Mom, anyway?" asked Aron?

Candy shrugged. "Last I saw,  one of the camera guys was asking if we could move that big chair to give the crew more room. Haven't seen her since..."

The scene changes to Marsha's room. The viewer can see the tastefully-decorated interior as the camera pans the room before settling on the bed. The first view the world gets of Marsha is e back of her head, positioned between the legs of a member of the studio crew. 

Marsha's head bobs up and down for a minute or so, when the sound of a door opening is heard and Candy's voice saying, "Mom! They told us we're supposed to pretend the crew isn't here! They said it makes for a better show if the cameras and equipment aren't seen!"

Marsha lifts her head in annoyance and looks at her daughter. "I saw you 'ignoring' the guy who was installing cameras in your room last week."

"That's different. They hadn't started recording yet."

"Well, when we started, they hadn't begun recording yet, either. I'm sure they'll edit this out. Now, would you give us a moment? I'll be out shortly."


What does Candy do?

          Candy joins in


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