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"3 Families" 2.0 | RicoLouis | 53


Alex headed inside and to his surprise he found Jo coming up from the basement with her keys in hand, just the person he needed to talk to, but if she was coming up from the basement that meant that she had already talked to Penny as well.

“Hey you leaving?” Alex asked.

“Yeah.” She threw him a look. Penny came up a second later dressed with her bag in hand. “You got your stuff?” Jo looked at her. Penny nodded.

“Jo, we need talk before you leave.” Alex said rubbing his face.

“I don’t have anything to say to you right now.” Jo said as she pushed past him, almost making it a point to bump into him.

“Jo, let me explain.” He said grabbing her arm, she turned and slapped him hard. This was becoming a theme with the baker girls he thought, though to be fair she could have punched him if she wanted to really hurt him.

“Go ahead, tell me why you lead my little sister on and then just dumped her out of the blue.” Jo said angrily at him poking him in the chest.

“Jo, it’s not like that I didn’t want to hurt her I…” Alex began to say.

“You have a funny ass way of showing it.” She steamed.

“Jo you should listen to…” Penny went to say before Jo cut her off.

“Don’t you dare defend him.” She said to Penny before looking back at him. “There is nothing you can say right now that can make me not want to hit you again.”

“Fine then I will just say it, I love you, always have and always will, it’s never been a secret but I think for the first time you might feel the same way and I…” Smack. Alex rubbed his other cheek.

“Jo.” Alex said getting a little angry, catching her wrist this time as she swung to slap him again.

“Tell me I am wrong. Tell me you don’t feel something as well.” Said as he held her wrist ready for her to swing the other at him as well.

“Get in the truck.” She snatched her arm back not saying anything as she turned to leave. Alex sighed to blow off some steam and went to the fridge and drug out a beer and went down to the basement and sat on the couch drinking the beer and watching a little television. He didn’t know how long it took him to fall asleep but her woke up to someone shaking him.

“Wake up.” Jo said standing over him.

“Jo?” He said rubbing his eyes, he glanced at the small window. It was morning.

“We need to talk.” She said with arms folded. He sat up on the couch and she sat down beside him. “Penny told me what you two talked about last night and you calling her my name.”

“You’re not going to hit me again or you?” He said rubbing his eyes having a bit of a headache. He hadn’t sleep to well.

“I haven’t decided yet.” She shrugged. “Alex, love has never been the problem; it’s always been sexual attraction between us that is the problem. Truthfully I have been having sexual feelings for you lately and have been a little scared to say something.”

“You scared, that’s a first.” Alex grinned.

“Leaning more towards hitting you again.” She smirked.

“Sorry.” He said shaking his head. “Jo, me and Penny aren’t compatible, sure the sex is good and I care for her deeply but at the end of the summer it will be me and you going back to college together and I will have to leave her behind and it will be just me and you again. You are my first real love Jo, and as long as you are in my life you will always be first no matter who I am dating.”

“You’re just saying all this to get in my pants.” She laughed lightly.

“Yes, but I have been doing that since I was old enough to understand what goes where.”

“Alex if I do this, you can’t be sleeping with other girls behind my back.” She said looking at him seriously. He had taken that a bit for granite with Penny.

“I can live with that.” Alex shrugged.

“I mean it; you can’t have sex with other girls, not unless I am there.” She smiled.

“Done.” He smiled.

“And you have to find a way to make things right with Penny. She forgave you easily enough but I know she is still upset with you.” Jo stood up and startled him.

“I am sure I can think of something.” He smiled; he did still very much care for her.

“Oh and where about to fuck.” Jo grinned. “But just so you know if I don’t enjoy it this will be the only time thing.”

“Well I guess we better make it memorable.” Alex grinned touching her legs and sliding them up along her thighs to the denim shorts she was wearing. Jo leaned in and kissed him forcefully and grabbed his arms forcing them back against the couch. Probably still a little mad at him though he didn’t mind a little angry sex right now. She nipped and tugged at his lip with her teeth as he debated what to do first with her.


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